A World History of Nineteenth-Century Archaeology: Nationalism, Colonialism, and the Past (Oxford Studies in the History of Archaeology)

(Sean Pound) #1

Austria: Geschichtsverein fu ̈rKa ̈rnten (Ka ̈rnten
Historical Society) 363
Britain: Phrenological associations/
societies 346; Anthropological and
Ethnological Society of London 304;
Anthropological Society of London 348;
British Archaeological Association 359, 363;
British Archaeological Association for the
Encouragement and Prosecution of Researches
into the Arts and Monuments of the Early and
Middle Ages 363; British Association for the
Advancement of Science 346; Cambrian
Archaeological Society 362; Cambridge
Camden Society 344; Cambridgeshire
Antiquarian Society 304; Anthropological
Institute 300, 304, 389; Classical Association
of London 125; Japan Society in London 198;
London Geological Society 123; Norfolk
Archaeological Society 362; Oxford Society for
Promoting the Studyof Gothic Architecture 344;
Royal Geographic Society of London 200,
232; Society of Antiquaries (London) 54, 317,
355, 363; Society of Antiquaries of
Scotland 360; Society of Biblical
Archaeology 144, 149, 150, 163; Society of
Dilettanti of London 46, 53, 156; Sussex
Archaeological Society 362
Canada: Natural History Society of
Montreal 289; Natural History Society of New
Brunswick (St John) 289
Central Europe: Friends of the Sciences 54n
Ceylon: Ceylon Branch of the Asiatic
Society 223
Chile: Archaeological Society of Santiago 287;
French Society of Chile 287; German ScientiWc
Society in Chile 287
Czechia: societies of Ca ́slav (1864) 382;
Prague 363, 382; Kutna ́Hora (1877) 382
Denmark: Nordic Art Society (Selskabet for
nordisk Kunst) 344; Royal Society of Northern
Antiquarians or Royal Society of Antiquaries of
the North (Kongelige Nordiske Oldskift-
Selskab) 238, 289
Egypt: Egypt Exploration Society,seeforeign
schools; Socie ́te ́d’arche ́ologie
d’Alexandrie 235
FinlandFinnish Antiquarian Society 385;
Finnish Literature Society 365
France: Asiatic Society of Paris 141, 190;
Ethnological Society of Paris 289;
Geographical Society (Paris) 174; Socie ́te ́
Ame ́ricaine de France: (American Society of
France) 175, 175n; Socie ́te ́d’Anthropologie de
Paris 348; Socie ́te ́Franc ̧aise
d’Arche ́ologie 344, 363n; Socie ́te ́pour la
conservation et la description des monuments

historiques (later called the Socie ́te ́Franc ̧aise
d’Arche ́ologie, Society for the Conservation
and Description of Historical
Monuments) 344, 363n; Socie ́te ́de antiquaires
de France (Society of Antiquaries of
France) 289, 321; Society of Antiquaries of
Normandy (Socie ́te ́des antiquaries de
Normandie) 344; Society of Antiquaries of
Picardy 356
Germany: German Anthropological Society 380,
381; Gesellschaft fu ̈r Anthropologie,
Ethnologie und Urgeschichte (Society for
Anthropology, Ethnology and Prehistory) 177;
Gesellschaft fu ̈r Erdkunde (Geographical
Society) 177; Orient Society of Prussia 223;
Union of German Historical and Antiquarian
Societies 360
Greece: Archaeological Society of Athens 86;
Society of Friends of the Muses 46
India: Archaeological Survey of India, see in
administative oYces; Asiatic Society of Bengal
(founded in Calcutta) 55, 194, 216, 219, 223,
224, 226, 229, 395; Photographic society of
Bengal 229
Indonesia: Archaeological society of Jakarta 221;
Batavian Society of Arts and Sciences
(Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en
Wetenschappen) 55, 216, 217, 218, 220
Ireland: Belfast Natural History and
Philosophical Society 348, 362; Celtic
Society 363; Irish Archaeological Society 363;
Kilkenny Archaeological Society 362
Italy: Societa`GeograWca Italiana 305n
Japan: Archaeological Society 197; Tankikai (the
Oddity Addicts Club) 189; Tokyo Jinruigakkai
(anthropological association) 199
Mesopotamia: American Oriental Society 146;
German Oriental Society 135, 145, 154
Netherlands: Hollandsche Maatschappij der
Wetenshappen (HMW) (society of sciences of
Haarlem) 55, 216; Indies Society (Indisch
Genootschap) 218
New Zealand: Polynesian Society 296
Norway: Society for the Preservation of
Norwegian Antiquities 363
Palestine: Palestine Exploration Fund (PEF) 134,
135, 150, 152, 154, 164; Catholic E ́cole Biblique
(1890) 151, 152; Deutche Pala ̈stina-Verein
(the German Society for the Exploration of
Palestine) 151, 154; Deutsche Orient-
Gesellschaft (German Oriental Society) 135.
(145), 154; Russian Orthodox Palestine
Society 151; Palestine Exploration Society
(New York) 151; Society of Biblical
Archaeology (London) 144, 149, 150; Society
of Biblical Literature 163

Index 475
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