
(coco) #1

rH: Abbreviation for relative humidity. The relative humidity is expressed
in %and measured with a hygrometer.
Roach : A filter for a cannabis cigarette.
Root ball: The network of roots along with the attached soil of any given
Root bound: A condition that exists when a potted plant has outgrown its
Roots: The colourless underground, part of a vascular plant (developed
from the radicle) which serves to anchor it, convey nourishment.
Rot: Rot is the disintegration, discoloration, and decomposition of plant
Rust: Rust is a plant disease that gives a "rusty" appearance to an
infected surface of the plant.

Sativa: A species of cannabis plant.
Scorch: Scorch is the burning or drying and browning of leaf margins.
Usually caused by overfeeding.
Senescent: The growing old and dying back of plant tissue.
Sepal: Can mean a leaf or segment of the calyx.
Serrated: Having jagged edges.
Sinsemilla: Refers Non-pollinated female cannabis plants.
Skuff: Sifted resin from the cannabis plant.
Skunk: An old strain of cannabis that has a strong smell and sour taste.
Spiciform: Shaped like a spike.
Spliff: A term used to describe a cannabis cigarette.
Staking: The practice of driving a stake into the ground next to, and as a
support for a plant.
Stamen: The male organ of the flower that bears pollen.
Stash: A personal amount of cannabis.
Stigma: The receptive part of the pistil on which the pollen germinates.
Stipule: Appendage at base of leaf stalk, often leaf- or scale-like.
Stoma: An organ in the leaves of plants. The stomata allow the plant to
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