Modern Hindi Grammar - Indian Institute of Language Studies (IILS)

(Brent) #1


  1. vakIla kao Apnao pr pUra Baraosaa hO.
    vaki:l ko apne par pu:ra: bharosa: h ́.
    advocate-dat refl-obl on full confidence is
    The advocate has full confidence in himself.

  2. vah ApnaI p%naI ko saaqa idllaI gayaa.
    vah apni: patni: ke sa:th dilli: gaya:.
    he refl-dat wife with Delhi went
    He went to Delhi with his wife.

Anaphora between coordinate structures is usually forward. It is
marked by deletion or pronominalization.

  1. maaohna samaya pr phuÐcaa AaOr Ø Apnaa kama ikyaa.

mohan samay par pahũca: ør Ø apna: ka:m kiya:
Mohan time on reached and Ø refl work did

Mohan reached in time and did his work.

10a. maaohna (i) samaya pr phuÐcaa AaOr Ø ]sanao (i) Apnaa kama ikyaa.

mohan (i) samay par pahũca: ør Ø usne (i) apna: ka:m kiya:
Mohan time on reached and Ø he-erg self work did

Mohan reached (office) in time and did his work.

It is possible to have an anaphora between superordinate and
subordinate clauses. Usually, subordinate clauses (except for subject
complementation, relative clauses and if ... then clauses) follow
superordinate clauses. Deletion indicates anaphora between a
superordinate and a following subordinate clause.

  1. maaÐ nao baoTo (i) kao Ø (i) p~ ilaKnao ko ilae kha.

mã: ne bete (i) ko Ø (i) patr likhne ke liye kaha:
mother-erg son-dat Ø letter write-inf-abl for said

The mother asked her son to write a letter.

11a. maaÐ nao baoTo (i) kao kha vah (i) p~ ilaKo.
mã: ne bete(i) ko kaha: vah (i) patr likhe.
mother-erg son-dat said he letter write-subj
The mother asked her son to write a letter.

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