Magic Motivation

(Steven Felgate) #1
It’s always best to introduce one small habit at a time. If you decide to introduce 10
new habits every week you will soon find yourself demoralised and de-motivated.
Remember the butterfly effect – small changes often have big outcomes anyway.

“The principle in chaos theory is that in any

dynamic system, small initial differences may,

over time,

lead to large unforeseen consequences.”


Decide on a small change in your life that will keep your motivation
levels up. This must be an action that you can do every day and will
only take a few minutes. For example: spend two minutes visualising
your goal OR at the beginning of every day decide on your greatest
priority and do that first OR meditate for five minutes a day. Once
you have decided on the goal, use the ‘post-it’ method to help you
create the habit:

 Take a small square of paper and place it in a prominent
position where you will see it daily – next to your
computer, on your bathroom mirror or on the dashboard
of your car.
 Every day that you take the action, make a mark on your
 If you miss a day, throw the paper away and start with a
fresh one.
 Once you have 21 marks in a row, your habit is
 Carry on for another 10 days for strong reinforcement.
 Throw the paper away and carry on with the action.
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