Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

Anthropoid apes belong to human life wave, 229, 230, 235, 342.
an undivided desire body, 236.
descendants of Lemurians, 289.
have degenerated from man, 342, 343.
may overtake our evolution, 235.
Apocrypha, valuable information in, 317.
Apostles symbolize Initiations, 502.
Aquarian Age, Slav civilization during, 305.
Archangel Michael,see Michael Archangel.
Archangels aid man from without, 403.
aided man in Lemuria, 265.
as race spirits still help man, 349, 359.
as race spirits realize deficiencies of religions, 383.
Christ highest initiate, 376.
controlling spirits of races, 334, 349, 403.
Enter man’s body through inspired air, 380.
expert builders of desire body, 222, 243, 349.
function in desire body, 376.
give desire body purely animal desires, 243.
guide evolution of animals, 349, 427.
humanity of the Sun Period, 242, 334, 376, 427.
instigate wars, 334.
lowest vehicle of the desire body, 376, 403.
manipulate Sun forces, 404.
man’s teachers in higher worlds, 126.
prepare man to receive solar ray, 404.
the Sun Spirits, 403.
work in desire body of man, 243, 349.
Archetypal forces, region of, 50.
exist in water stratum of earth, 504.
man a part of, 126.
Archetype, creative, built in second heaven, 49.
of suicide, 104.
Archetypes, creative thought molds, 49.
Ariadne’s thread, 201.
Arterial blood, contains more earthy matter than venous
blood, 443.
Art, taught in ancient Initiations, 281.
value of, 516.
Aryan Epoch (Fifth Epoch), 304-306.
chosen people of, 311-315.
fire first used in, 304.
food of man modified in, 168.
highest Initiate of, to appear, 304.
human spirit unfolded in, 165.
nucleus of, last race to be formed in, 305.
people of, made blind to higher worlds, 169.

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