Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

polarized metal, 274.
staff of, 410, 412-414.
thrown off from sun, 263, 272.
Mercury, Lords of,see Lords of Mercury.
Mercy urged by heart, 393.
Mesmer sent by Elder Brothers, 512.
Messengers of Gods, 272, 301, 304.
Metals, significance of, 499.
Michael, Archangel, 405.
Microbes expelled by vital body, 63.
Migrations, of birds, 219.
Milk aided evolution of desire body, 166.
as dietary factor, 447.
correct way of drinking, 454.
of St. Paul’s simile, 520.
special gastric juice required in digestion of, 237.
Millennium, self-government, a requisite of the, 273.
Mind, acquired in Earth Period, 222, 426.
acquisition of, required change in desire body, 394-395.
activity of, instigated by Lucifers, 288.
aids lower will, 394.
and heart, chasm between, 17, 393.
arrogates rule of ego, 394.
beneficial training of, in mathematics, 202, 203.
birth of, 142-143.
coalesced with desire body, 298, 394.
concepts of, furnished by, 89, 353.
confers separate personality, 266.
contributes to spiritual growth, 95.
control of matter by, 149.
development of, at first Great Initiation as at end of
Earth Period, 502.
during sleep in Desire World, 93.
extracted at death 97.
focusing point of ego, 89, 95, 393, 426.
germinal, given by us to humanity of Vulcan Period, 428.
given by Lords of Mind, 222, 265.
given to man in Atlantis, 298.
gives purpose to action, 298.
goes with ego into Desire World, 103.
highly creative in Jupiter Period, 427.
in mineral stage, 298, 426.
is not yet one-pointed, 426.
linked to desire, 395, 465.
macrocosmic, concrete, 142, 145.

Mind, (cont.)

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