Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

exercises, warning concentration, 399-400.
key to Bible, 319.
knowledge, acquirement of, without proper motive
dangerous, 22.
Occult schools, correlated to seven rays, 438.
rites of initiation vary in, 502.
seven orders of, 438.
six steps of “Preparation” in, 502.
teachings of, not definite about periods preceding and
following Earth Period, 503.
Occult science, first law of, 460.
seven secrets of, 506.
teaching of, respecting sex function, 471.
Occult scientist, does not merely “believe”, 147.
finds answer to heart anomaly in memory of nature, 396.
food of, 505
investigates earth, 498.
sees one life in all, 495.
uses concentration as prayer, 463.
Occult student learns by observation, 131, 132.
Occultism, and science, 99.
valuable books of, reconciled, 270, 274-275.
Occultist, sees twelve colors in spectrum, 253.
test of true, 400.
unused sex currents of, 475, 478.
Oceanic region, 50.
Old Testament contains Jewish religion, 308.
“On earth Peace, Goodwill toward men”, 391.
Only Begotten,see Word.
Organs atrophying and developing, 473.
dormant, 473.
Original Semites,see Atlantean races (subhead Original
chosen people of Jehovah, 309, 334.
dense and vital bodies become concentric in, 300.
developed cunning, 299, 309, 335.
difficult to guide, 309.
lose sight in inner worlds, 300.
married outside race, 310, 335.
see objects clearly defined, 300.
used faculty of thought, 299, 309.
Original sin esoterically explained, 278.
Original Turanians,see Atlantean races (subhead Original
Osmosis first form of assimilation, 263.
Ossification of dense body, 442-443, 453.
Ova, difference in, indistinguishable between higher animals and human

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