Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

Pineal gland and pituitary body, (cont.)
vantage of human spirit, 397.
vibratory union with pituitary body, 479.
will again connect man with inner worlds, 473, 477.
Pioneers of animal kingdom, 234.
of Earth Period receive mind, 265.
progress of, result of adaptability, 337, 342.
provided for, 372.
Pituitary body and pineal gland, 473-477.
awakened by training, 477.
dormant at present time, 473.
now connected with voluntary nervous system, 477.
spiritual exercises for, 478-479.
vantage of life spirit, 397.
will again connect man with inner worlds, 473, 477.
Planes,see Cosmic Planes.
Planetary ether interpenetrates form, 58.
Planetary desire world interpenetrates physical world, 65.
Planetary spirits, bodies of, spherical, 255.
collectively they are God, 253.
differentiated hierarchies, 182.
replaced by regents, 182.
God’s ministers, 180.
possess vehicles, 252, 253.
Seven Spirits before Throne, 180, 252-253.
threefold, 182.
Planetoids,see Asteroids.
Planets, birth of, 258.
bodies of planetary spirits, 255.
each has three worlds, 53.
evolution of, 256.
satellites of, 255.
seven, circle around our sun, 255.
thrown off from Sun, 259, 271, 272.
unknown, in our solar system, 513.
Plant as food, 458, 460.
chaste generation of, 535.
circulation of sap in, 37.
compared to other kingdoms, 56, 57, 86.
consciousness of, 85, 458.
deposit of color in, 37.
explanation of inertness of, 58, 69.
extirpation of, causes pain to Earth Spirit, 65, 505.
group spirit of, in center of earth, 85.
group spirit of, in Region of Concrete Thought, 74, 85.
guided by angels, 349, 427.
Plant, (cont.)

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