Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

proper use of, 434.
saves postmortem misery, 463.
unceasing, 434.
Precession of equinoxes and rebirth, 159.
Primordial substance, 321.
Prisms, vital body built of, 10.
Prisoners, humane treatment of, 385.
Probationers, enter service of humanity, 531.
must sever connections with other occult orders, 531.
must shun “circles” or negative gatherings, 531.
spiritual exercises performed in private, 532.
Progress in Salvation, 229.
result of adaptability, 223, 303, 337, 340.
three factors in, 337.
through loss of some faculty, 300.
Progression or retrogression, 341.
spiritual or physical, 515.
Promised land, present earth, 310, 335.
our present Earth, 310, 335.
Propagation in Polarian and Hyperborean Epochs, 262-263.
Propagation through life ether, 36.
duty of, 472.
Proselyting, 308.
Psychical Research, Society for, 140.
Psychometrists, 38.
Ptolemaic system has points needed in physical world, 514.
Puberty, changing of boy’s voice at, 536.
Purgatory, avarice eradicated in, 105.
benefits from, 104, 109, 114.
children exempt from, 117.
drunkenness eradicated in, 105.
experiences built into seed atom in, 114, 120.
life is shortened in, by restitution, 107.
method of avoiding, 111.
occupies lower region of desire world, 112.
purpose of, 110.
suicide’s experience in, 104.
suffering in, 107.
time in, usually one-third of life in physical world, 107.
Pythagoras demanded study of mathematics, 203.
and music of the spheres, 119.

Quartz, significance of, 499
Race bodies, development of, 289.
Race, must not identify ourselves with, 307.
Race Religions aid humanity, 433.
based on law, 380, 383, 386, 392.

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