Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

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Addendum C: Footnote to Chapter XIII

The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception was published in

  1. Many of the examples used by Max Heindel were
    taken from his era using words and definitions from the
    early twentieth century. Some of the wording in this chapter
    raises concerns; however, we should not allow this to
    distract us from the underlying message. The Rosicrucian
    Teachings promote Universal Brotherhood. We have added
    this addendum in order to provide additional information
    relating to Races and Race-religions, and their relationship
    to spiritual development. Additional references are listed at
    the end.
    Growth never ceases. In the twenty-first century, we can
    look back and see the tremendous growth that has taken
    place in our world. These changes have taken place in
    accordance with spiritual principles outlined in this book.
    During the Lemurian Epoch, Jehovah came with His
    Angels and Archangels and made the first great division into
    Races, giving to each group the guiding influence of a Race-
    spirit-an Archangel. For each virgin spirit he appointed one
    of the Angels to act as guardian until the individual spirit
    had grown strong enough to become emancipated from all
    outside influence. There will be a total of sixteen races.
    (Cosmo-Conception, page 352)
    We must recognize that we are not bodies, or races, but
    virgin spirits striving for perfection. If, as a virgin spirit, we
    forget this and identify ourselves with our Race, clinging to
    it with fanatic patriotism, then there is a great likelihood that
    we will become enmeshed in and sink with it when our
    fellow virgin spirits have passed to greater heights on the
    Path of Attainment. (Cosmo-Conception, page 307)

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