Simple Nature - Light and Matter
n/A photon hits a piece of glass that reflects half of the light and transmits the other half. D In double-slit diffraction of p ...
cells so that they can’t communicate. If the part of the wave at B is going to be detected (at full strength, carrying 100% of t ...
et al.^2 carried out a very direct and conceptually simple enactment of exactly the experiment in figure n, with electronic timi ...
were the fruits of inappropriate mental pictures of what was going on. If we take the principles of quantum mechanics seriously, ...
p/Schrodinger’s cat. ̈ explains very nicely how the deterministic laws of physics produce a result thatseemsto them to have been ...
demonstrated using objects that clearly deserve to be called macro- scopic. For example, in 2012, K.C. Leeet al. created a versi ...
Technically speaking, this is wrong, because it is in principle still possible to have wave interference effects between sad Bob ...
q/Probability is the volume under a surface defined by D(x,y). was the distribution of heights of human beings. The thing that v ...
13.3 Matter as a wave [In] a few minutes I shall be all melted... I have been wicked in my day, but I never thought a little gir ...
trons that we have already used for photons. 13.3.1 Electrons as waves We started our journey into quantum physics by studying t ...
a/A double-slit interference pattern made with neutrons. (A. Zeilinger, R. Gahler, C.G. Shull, W. Treimer, and W. Mampe, ̈ Revie ...
equations of general validity are those that do not havecin them: E=hf p=h/λ This is essentially the reasoning that de Broglie w ...
b/These two electron waves are not distinguishable by any measuring device. voltage differences on the order of 1 V, so that a t ...
wave carries high probability and where it carries low probability. Probability is proportional to the square of the wave’s ampl ...
c/Part of an infinite sine wave. d/A finite-length sine wave. e/A beat pattern created by superimposing two sine waves with slig ...
waves travel faster, so a ship at sea that encounters a storm typi- cally sees the long-wavelength parts of the wave first. When ...
f/Three possible standing- wave patterns for a particle in a box. small, we can approximate this expression as a derivative, vg= ...
g/The spectrum of the light from the star Sirius. quantum physics, these wave patterns are referred to as “states” of the partic ...
h/Two hydrogen atoms bond to form an H 2 molecule. In the molecule, the two electrons’ wave patterns overlap , and are about twi ...
i/Werner Heisenberg (1901- 1976). Heisenberg helped to develop the foundations of quan- tum mechanics, including the Heisenberg ...
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