Simple Nature - Light and Matter
pretty much fill the box, so our knowledge of the electron’s position is of limited accuracy. If we write ∆xfor the range of unc ...
a particle, not just on what we can know about it with a certain technique. An estimate for electrons in atoms example 16 .A typ ...
j/An electron in a gentle electric field gradually shortens its wavelength as it gains energy. (As discussed on p. 894, it is ac ...
physics the wavefunction will always have a tail that reaches into the classically forbidden region. If it was not for this effe ...
E·Ψ = (h/λ)^2 2 m Ψ +U·Ψ = 1 2 m ( h 2 π ) 2 ( 2 π λ ) 2 Ψ +U·Ψ =− 1 2 m ( h 2 π ) 2 d^2 Ψ dx^2 +U·Ψ Further simplification is a ...
m/Tunneling through a bar- rier. (As discussed on p. 894, it is actually not quite correct to graph the wavefunction of an elect ...
n/The electrical, nuclear, and total interaction energies for an alpha particle escaping from a nucleus. the probability of maki ...
o/A particle encounters a step of height U < E in the interaction energy. Both sides are classically allowed. A reflected wav ...
r/β+andβ−spectra of^64 Cu. β−in these decays.^7 There is a relatively high probability for the beta and neutrino each to carry o ...
s/1. The one-dimensional version of the Laplacian is the second derivative. It is positive here because the average of the two n ...
function is considered to have zero concavity over all. A classically allowed region with constantU example 21 In a classically ...
t/1. Oscillations can go back and forth, but it’s also possible for them to move along a path that bites its own tail, like a ci ...
for example, arbitrarily say that electrons with positive energies have wavefunctions whose phases rotate counterclockwise, and ...
u/1. A representation of complex numbers using color and bright- ness. 2. A wave traveling toward the right. 3. A wave traveling ...
right-hand half of the picture much greater than it would actually be.) A paradox resolved example 23 Consider the following par ...
implies that the waves obey the principle of superposition. In most cases in nature, we find that the principle of superposition ...
B The top panel of the figure shows a series of snapshots in the motion of two pulses on a coil spring, one negative and one pos ...
13.4 The atom You can learn a lot by taking a car engine apart, but you will have learned a lot more if you can put it all back ...
a/1. Eight wavelengths fit around this circle (`= 8). This is a standing wave. 2. A traveling wave with` = 8, depicted ac- cordi ...
Quantization of angular momentum The angular momentum of a particle due to its motion through space is quantized in units of~. s ...
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