Simple Nature - Light and Matter
g/A skateboarder rises to the edge of an empty pool and then falls back down. h/The sum of kinetic plus gravitational energy is ...
of gravity doesn’t change much if you only move up or down a few meters. We also find that the gravitational energy is proportio ...
related to gravitational mass, but since these two masses are equal, we were able to use a single symbol,m, for them, and cancel ...
i/Two balls start from rest, and roll from A to B by different paths. field. If the plane can start from 10 km up, what is the m ...
j/How much energy is re- quired to raise the submerged box through a height∆y? k/A seesaw. l/The biceps muscle is a reversed lev ...
m/Discussion question C. n/A hydraulic jack. o/The surfaces are friction- less. The black blocks are in equilibrium. The seesaw ...
block in figure o/3. Even if the block is moved or set in motion, it will oscillate about the equilibrium position. The pictures ...
the other’s is decreasing, the system is in neutral equilibrium. If there were no frictional heating, exactly zero energy would ...
q/Water in a U-shaped tube. Water in a U-shaped tube example 13 .The U-shaped tube in figure q has cross-sectional areaA, and th ...
r/A car drives over a cliff. new frame of reference, a change from zero velocity to− 2 v, which would violate conservation of en ...
2.2 Numerical techniques Engineering majors are a majority of the students in the kind of physics course for which this book is ...
11 How long does it take to move 1 meter at a constant speed of 1 m/s? If we do this, >>> print(time1(1.0,1.0,10)) # di ...
>>> print(time2(1.0,10)) # h, n 0.35864270709233342 But by increasingnto ten thousand, we get an answer that’s as close ...
a/Approximations to the brachistochrone curve using a third-order polynomial (solid line), and a seventh-order poly- nomial (das ...
13 dy = y-y_old 14 v_old = math.sqrt(2g(b-y_old)) 15 v = math.sqrt(2g(b-y)) 16 v_avg = (v_old+v)/2. 17 ds = math.sqrt(dx2+dy2) # ...
a/An ellipse is circle that has been distorted by shrinking and stretching along perpendicular axes. b/An ellipse can be con- st ...
d/As the earth and Mars revolve around the sun at different rates, the combined effect of their mo- tions makes Mars appear to t ...
e/A cannon fires cannon- balls at different velocities, from the top of an imaginary mountain that rises above the earth’s atmo- ...
(about twenty times the speed of sound). In one second, the satellite moves 8000 m horizontally. Dur- ing this time, it drops th ...
f/The gravitational energy U = −Gm 1 m 2 /r graphed as a function ofr. rience with gravity near the earth’s surface thatU is pro ...
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