Simple Nature - Light and Matter
help you to find non-contact forces. The following is another example in which we can profit by check- ing against our physical ...
C A pool ball is rebounding from the side of the pool table. Analyze the forces in which the ball participates during the short ...
o/Example 29. The forces between the rope and other objects are normal and frictional forces. n/If we imagine dividing a taut ro ...
out normal forces. These forces are perpendicular to the surface of contact. For simplicity, we show only two pairs of these nor ...
F > 0 dx > 0 dK > 0 F < 0 dx < 0 dK > 0 F > 0 dx < 0 dK < 0 F < 0 dx > 0 dK < 0 This looks e ...
p/A simplified drawing of an airgun. q/The black box does work by reeling in its cable. This may not sound like an impressive fo ...
r/The wheel spinning in the air hasKcm = 0. The space shuttle has all its kinetic energy in the form of center of mass motion,K ...
stroke are both executed in straight lines. Since the forces are in opposite directions, one is positive and one is negative. Th ...
K. DifferentiatingKcm, we have dKcm=mtotalvcmdvcm =mtotalvcm dvcm dt dt dxcm dxcm [chain rule] =mtotal dvcm dt dxcm [dt/dxcm= 1/ ...
Accelerating a cart example 35 If you push on a cart and accelerate it, there are two forces acting on the cart: your hand’s for ...
t/The force is transmitted to the block. u/A mechanical advantage of 2. v/An inclined plane. s/Discussion question B. 3.2.9 Simp ...
w/A wedge. x/Archimedes’ screw This is an example of a simple machine, which is any mechanical system that manipulates forces to ...
we need to use positive and negative signs carefully for the direction of the force. In general, suppose that forces are acting ...
As in the preceding example, we haveF<0 whenxis positive, because the object is being attracted back towardx= 0. Whenx is neg ...
a/An x-versus-t graph for a swing pushed at resonance. b/A swing pushed at twice its resonant frequency. c/The F-versus-t graph ...
that have the same frequency is a sinusoidal function), and they are also used in many practical situations. For instance, my ga ...
the time ∆t= ∆x/vrequired to move a predetermined distance ∆x, we pick ∆tand determine the distance traveled in that time, ∆x=v∆ ...
e/A damped sine wave, of the formx=Ae−ctsin(ωft+δ). f/Self-check G. around until I got this result, since a decrease of exactly ...
g/A damped sine wave is compared with an undamped one, withmandkkept the same and onlybchanged. second derivatives are v = e−ct( ...
Summary of Notation k spring constant m mass of the oscillator b sets the amount of damp- ing,F=−bv T period f frequency, 1/T ω ...
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