goat milk yoghurt recommended). However, it is not just our
digestion the food effects.
Our body is made up mainly of water, skin, bones, organs,
muscles and blood. All these systems are talked about here.
There are helpful charts that offer suggestions for how to
implement such information into our daily schedules. Those bodily
systems also affect our mind and ultimately the way we feel. We
can dine tune ourselves with nutrition, exercise and skillful living.
Each one affects the other. Have you ever found a sauna, spa,
swim, massage, reflexology session or aroma therapeutic bath
helps with everyday errands? Try them late in the morning and
see how you feel for the rest of the day.
If foods affects our body, then may be there is a potential for it to
heal our minds. Though none of the foods or recipes in this book
are magic cures or super potions, all natural and non-modified
foods are potential healing foods when used in conjunction with
the a healthy lifestyle. These natural healing foods include
organically grown fruit and vegetables, fruit and nuts from certain
trees, and also foods that have been harvested, prepared and
eaten with positive thoughts.
A 20-year study has recently been completed in Germany.
It has shown that a change in the food you eat affects your health
by only 2%. Thinking about becoming healthier and changing your
diet affects your health by 50%. When you use both your mind and
spirit with a change of diet this can affect your health by up to