The Biology and Culture of Tilapias

(Sean Pound) #1

Citharinus at first abundant 87
depth distribution of S. galilaeus 33
depth distribution of S. niloticus 33
depth distribution of T. zillii 33
effect of drawdown on tilapia
populations 87
introductions 50
S. galilaeus 50-1,87
S. niloticus 50-1
tilapias in 86
T. zillii 50-1
R. Kalomo (Zambezi system)
S. andersonii 32
T. sparrmanii 32
L. Kariba (Zambezi system, man-made)
change from riverine to lacustrine
environment 337
depth distribution of T. rendalli 33
diurnal movements of T. rendalli 53
ecological growth efficiency of
T. rendalli 174
events associated with stocking 95
failure of introduction of S. mortimen'
food consumption of T. rendalli
growth rates 105
inshore distribution of juveniles 175
introductions 24
stocked with S. macrochir 95
tilapias in 86
tiiapia production, yield, and turnover
R. Kasai (Angola-&)
T. rendalli 5
L. Katinda (East Africa)
length-weight data on S. niloticus 89
L. Kijanebalola (East Africa)
length-weight data on S. niloticus 88-9
Kijansi pond (Uganda)
length-frequency data on S. niloticus 88
R. Kingani (Tanzania)
S. umlepis 23
L. Kinkony (Madagascar)
devastation followed introduction of
T. rendalli 57
T. rendalli introduced 30
L. Kinneret (Israel), feeding studies
growth rates of tilapias 103-4
S. aureus 41-3
S. galilaeus 41-2
schooling of S. galilaeus 54

spawning of T. zillii 46
tilapias in 86
T. zillii 34,41-3,46
L. Kitangiri (Tanzania)
S. amphimelas 23,39
S. amphimelas x S. esculentw
hybrids 102
S. mossambicus 39
T. zillii 39
L. Kivu (Zdre-Rwanda)
introductions and altitude 36
schooling of S. niloticus 54
tilapia habitat 31
Koki lakes (Uganda)
introductions summarized 26
successful introduction of S. nilo-
ticus 55
R. Kongie (Port Alfred, S. Africa)
southerly limit of S. mossambicus
R. Konkoure (Guinea)
fast flowing river 32
T. rheophila 32
L. Kossou (Ivory coast)
fry of S. niloticus produced in earth
ponds 214
L. Kotto (Cameroon)
ecological studies 100
S. galilaeus 100
T. kottae 100
T. mariae 100
R. Kwilu (&-re)
T. cabrae 23
L. Kyle (Zimbabwe)
introductions 24
ecology perturbed by introductions 56
L. Kyoga (Uganda)
introductions 24-5,55
introductions and altitude 36
S. esculentus 23, 36
S. variabilis 23, 36
tiiapia habitat 31
L. Laguna de Bay (Philippines)
cage culture experiments with
S. mossambicus 218
extensive cage culture 216-17
semi-intensive cage culture 223-4
R. Limpopo (Mozambique)
S. mossambicus 332
T. rendalli 5
tilapia habitat 31
R. Lualaba (hi)
T. rendalli 19
R. Lufira (ZaTre)
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