In the Footsteps of the Prophet: Lessons from the Life of Muhammad

(Martin Jones) #1

Notu to Pagtl 40-52^221

  1. Quran, 17:110.

  2. This surah was revealed later (during the Medina period), but it synthesizes
    the substance of the believer's rdatio nship 10 the O ne Who is merciful and
    infinhcly kind. The Prophet particularly enjored this sumh, which he once
    called "arusal alQuran" (the Quran's bnde) in allusion to its beauty.

  3. Quran, 55:1-13.

  4. The clements of the Islamic creed, according to the Quran, include belief in
    God, angds, prophets, scriprures, and the Day of Judgment.

  5. QUIan, 16 :103.

  6. Quran, 73:5.

  7. Quran, 59:21.
    1 2. Ib n Hisham, ArSirah an-Nabau'flyah. 2 :83.
    1 3. Qumn, 73:1-8.

  8. Quran, 2: 186.

  9. Quran, 3:31.

  10. Quran, 33:21.
    1 7. Q uran, 93:4.

  11. Quran,95:6.
    1 9. Quran, 3:104. In Islamic terminology, al-marnf means "what is right" but not
    in a restrictive way. A central concept, it refers to what is universally known
    as good, proper, e ducal, and moral and is confirmed as such by Revelation.
    Revelation may specify some teachings, but it primarily relics on the collec-
    tive and commo n sense o f ''what is good."

  12. Quran,3:104.

  13. Ibn H isham, As-Sirah an.N abau'!Jyah, 2: 1 0 1.

  14. Ibid., 2: 132-33.

  15. Ibid., 2:159.

  16. Ibid., 2:128.

  17. Ibid., 2: 162.

  18. Quran, 80:1-12.

  19. The Prophet also said in this sense: "\'(Iealth is nor the possession of goods;
    wealth is the wealth of the sou," (authentic hadith reported by a1-Bukhari
    and l'vluslim).

  20. Hadith reported by 1Iuslim.

Chapler 6: Ruislance, HNlniliry, and bile

  1. YQlI"f1l in Arabic mea ns "day" but also "a period of time" or "a cyclt" of
    sometimc:s indeter minate duration.

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