262 Poetry for Students
Reactionary Essay on Applied
Science (McGinley): V9
A Red, Red Rose (Burns): V8
The Red Wheelbarrow(Williams): V1
Reed, Ishmael
Beware: Do Not Read This Poem:
Revard, Carter
Birch Canoe: V5
Richard Cory(Robinson): V4
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
(Coleridge): V4
The River-Merchant’s Wife: A Letter
(Pound): V8
The Road Not Taken(Frost): V2
Robinson, E. A.
Richard Cory:V4
Roethke, Theodore
My Papa’s Waltz: V3
Rossetti, Christina
A Birthday:V10
Rukeyser, Muriel
Ballad of Orange and Grape:V10
Sailing to Byzantium(Yeats): V2
Saint Francis and the Sow (Kinnell):
Sandburg, Carl
Chicago: V3
Cool Tombs: V6
The Seafarer (Anonymous): V8
The Second Coming (Yeats): V7
Service, Robert W.
The Cremation of Sam
Sexton, Anne
Shakespeare, William
Sonnet 18: V2
Sonnet 19:V9
Sonnet 29: V8
Sonnet 30:V4
Sonnet 55: V5
Sonnet 116: V3
Sonnet 130: V1
Shapiro, Karl
Auto Wreck: V3
Shelley, Percy Bysshe
Ode to the West Wind: V2
Shine, Perishing Republic(Jeffers): V4
Silko, Leslie Marmon
Four Mountain Wolves:V9
Simic, Charles
Butcher Shop:V7
Simpson, Louis
American Poetry:V7
Sir Patrick Spens(Anonymous): V4
Siren Song(Atwood): V7
Small Town with One Road (Soto): V7
Smith, Stevie
Not Waving but Drowning: V3
Snyder, Gary
The Soldier(Brooke): V7
Song, Cathy
Lost Sister: V5
Sonnet 16 [On His Blindness]
(Milton): V3
Sonnet 18(Shakespeare): V2
Sonnet 19 (Shakespeare): V9
Sonnet 30(Shakespeare): V4
Sonnet 29 (Shakespeare): V8
Sonnet 43(Browning): V2
Sonnet 55(Shakespeare): V5
Sonnet 116(Shakespeare): V3
Sonnet 130(Shakespeare): V1
The Sonnet-Ballad(Brooks): V1
Soto, Gary
Small Town with One Road:V7
The Soul Selects Her Own Society
(Dickinson): V1
Stafford, William
At the Bomb Testing Site: V8
Fifteen: V2
Starlight (Levine): V8
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy
Evening(Frost): V1
Strand, Mark
Eating Poetry:V9
Strong Men, Riding Horses(Brooks):
A Supermarket in California
(Ginsberg): V5
Swing Low Sweet Chariot
(Anonymous): V1
Tate, James
Dear Reader:V10
Taylor, Henry
Landscape with Tractor:V10
Tears, Idle Tears(Tennyson): V4
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord
The Charge of the Light Brigade:
Tears, Idle Tears:V4
Ulysses: V2
Thayer, Ernest Lawrence
Casey at the Bat: V5
Theme for English B (Hughes): V6
There’s a Certain Slant of Light
(Dickinson): V6
This Life(Dove): V1
Thomas, Dylan
Do Not Go Gentle into that Good
Night: V1
Fern Hill: V3
The Force That Through the
Green Fuse Drives the
Flower: V8
Those Winter Sundays(Hayden): V1
Tintern Abbey(Wordsworth): V2
To an Athlete Dying Young
(Housman): V7
To a Sad Daughter (Ondaatje): V8
To His Coy Mistress(Marvell): V5
To My Dear and Loving Husband
(Bradstreet): V6
Toads(Larkin): V4
The Tropics in New York(McKay): V4
The Tyger(Blake): V2
Ulysses(Tennyson): V2
The Unknown Citizen(Auden): V3
Vancouver Lights (Birney): V8
Viereck, Peter
For An Assyrian Frieze:V9
Walcott, Derek
A Far Cry from Africa: V6
War Is Kind (Crane): V9
We Real Cool (Brooks): V6
When I Have Fears That I May
Cease to Be(Keats): V2
When I Was One-and-Twenty
(Housman): V4
Whitman, Walt
I Hear America Singing: V3
O Captain! My Captain!: V2
Why I Am Not a Painter (O’Hara):
Williams, William Carlos
Queen-Ann’s-Lace: V6
The Red Wheelbarrow: V1
The Wood-Pile (Frost): V6
Wordsworth, William
Lines Composed a Few Miles
above Tintern Abbey: V2
Wright, Charles
Black Zodiac:V10
Wright, James
A Blessing:V7
Autumn Begins in Martins Ferry,
Ohio: V8
Wright, Judith
Drought Year: V8
Yeats, William Butler
Easter 1916: V5
An Irish Airman Foresees His
Death: V1
Sailing to Byzantium: V2
The Second Coming:V7