Microsoft Word - Shah_Final

(Rick Simeone) #1
،òئƒ íë €ـ،ـìـ،ـڳ ́ ئن ́ ئن ، ـ’،نِ èـِ íë ºئن ن ـðôpـِ ڏ

ِïـîــì ن ـðôِ}ـ


.ن وارðó ئڳ ر ن روðóÂë ،îـ،ـڻـ،ن îـ،ـ‚، ـئêô

( 6 داμÇئن ،òìôȽ ÄÇ)

So long, the afflicted ones do not gather

there is no howling till then

Others merely regret

only the really afflicted lament.



ِوراîـ òº !نðô ́ÄÇ راôîئن،و ر،


،و†ê ـôئ

}ـ íîð— ن ـðô}ـِ




ºـ،ـê ؟


.Çئïèئن ́ ـ،ـê Çـ،ـÂìا،

( 6 داμÇئن ،òìôȽ ÄÇ)

O’ mates! I would distribute my sorrows

if they were divisible

How can others understand?

Only those who are afflicted know better.

،êôôـåـ،ـ˜ـِ وÂìî’m Ôâئران،Çئٿ م، ـˆŒـِ



.êôïـ،ـå ،íë ئò واٽ، و،ڳ، ـئئن، jـ ـئêôƒـِ ـڳ

( 8 داμÇئن ،òìôȽ ÄÇ)

Detach not yourself from the caravan

during the journey through the passes

else you may fall behind and be unable

to trace the path of the companions.

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