Microsoft Word - Shah_Final

(Rick Simeone) #1
وÄÇي، íë ê ́ وا½Â ،êº çæÈè Äèڻ

،ê— íë Žìë ëئtëئ —ئj’ي، ÇڳÄ ò„è

.اºئرóئ اوºئڳò ،ê ́ ÂÇائêô ôëڳ

( 9 داμÇئن ،òæ˜èرا ÄÇ)

Those persons, who die before death

One do not forget the

These aficionados never sleep

on way to their spiritual journey

Their eyes are brightened

due to continuous awakening.

!ـïئئò Çـ ðÇرج Çئ ،ðôئëئ€ ڏóئð ðº ð ́

.ðôƒ êïìóڏ وîئòè رات òº اوÂëاòî، اëن

( 9 داμÇئن ،òæ˜èرا ÄÇ)

What you thought to be a tiny lamp

was the sun’s light

For the blind it is all darkness

even if the night may turn into a day.

pئن¦، Âpائðن òئôë ،نðóÄبs ê} ðsدڙ، ¦ðp

ëئن¦، êôïëا‘ô ́ ôëڳ ،ðóو ðºڳ êïëا‘ôº

.ðºن ‚î ³èðÊ Çڱðôن êïì ́ €ئن¦، اóئê ـڻð €ـ

To hell with the coverings, and ( 9 داμÇئن ،òæ˜èرا ÄÇ)

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