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(Rick Simeone) #1

Divest yourself of the egoism and abandon intermediaries

Take your feet with love in the direction of the Beloved.

وÇئر، ـøôِو،Çـ ،êôÇ jئڻ، pڻ¹ م، jئڻ

!òڻïÇ òئئïtìå ـ’، åـ


jئر، ¦يÂìïºو Äjت

ا ́ ئر، نðóÂìïtìå ́ ــÄت، òÇ


.êôÇ êº ـí ا،ڳïـ Žì—

( 1 داμÇئن ،òڻïÇ ÄÇ)

Divest yourself of egoism and forget intermediaries,

O’ Lover! Love will take you across

the turbulent water to the other bank

Those who have love and longing

will pass swiftly through midstream.

وان§، òæôÇ،و ريھ ،êôÇ jئڻ، pڻ¹ م، jئڻ

jئن§، وwـò» Äjت !ـïڻò Çـ ÇئئÄ،، èـ،ـ„ئن

.ڏي jئر òº óÄjئن ون§ ëئن§، ڳÂìïìي êïìôë

( 1 داμÇئن ،òڻïÇ ÄÇ)

Divest yourself of the egoism

proceed without any intermediaries

O lover! Over the water surface, walk with trust

Recite the word “love”, and proceed

towards the direction of the Beloved.

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