ک ڏ ðÇئj ڏèـ،ـÄ،
ðp Âëئp ،êôÇ
،¦ðî ير
. --اÎåئبêóÄ، èـ،ـØ، و،اu++
.¦ðm óئêا آðs
( 8 داμÇئن ôæئڻ، êéó ÄÇ)
Anger is a collaborator of grief
while patience is akin to musk
ones”. The Lord has said, “ Allah is with the patient
ðîڙن، îئراðó ،ðôxp نÂìép! pـ،ـç
.ðº ÍبÄ Çئ§ ðº ðî ،نÂëðm íë ðôqm
( 8 داμÇئن ôæئڻ، êéó ÄÇ)
Be humble! They win while the arrogants lose
The agressors do not know the taste of patience.
،êô ïئن»ìè òìô ،ðôائÄj ،êô êôì
.ئò ðpðº òì ،íîز í ́ ،ôÇ xÇئڻò ¦ðî òº
( 8 داμÇئن ôæئڻ، êéó ÄÇ)
Malicious never benefit from malice
If the bow-string is overstrained
The danger of breaking the string is always there.