Microsoft Word - Shah_Final

(Rick Simeone) #1
،äj òp --ðèن++ jئڻئن !êóÄkـ Çـ }ôئئò !ê}

.ڌڻò --ð ́++ òÇ،ر òpð ́ ،äïº اورóئن --آئðن++

( 1 آÇئ، ÄÇ)

O' Beloved let me throw away plurality

keep me away from egoism

Keep “I” away from me

Pride is only your privilege, O' Lord!

، ºـ،ـéئل ـòِـðئـÇـِ !ـòِڌ،ڻـ --ð ́++ òÇ،ر òpð ́

ôÀئل ðô} òïëð—


Êـ،ـ– !כ،Êئر òº ،


. -ـêôِ†ئئـو

( 1 آÇئ، ÄÇ)

O’ Lord! All the Pride is only your privilege

O’ polytheist! If you discard your doubts

there would be no other thought except his.





ð ́ ºـ،ـäï óئن


Œـ،ـ‘ ن،


jـ،ـnـ،ـئر،، jئڻ، óـ،ـç



!Çـ،ـμئر، ، Çئڻ כ،ـÄ


ïsـ،ـئر ïsڻئ


.ڏïìó’ا óـ،ـç

( 1 آÇئ، ÄÇ)

Keep away “I” from me

I have abandoned thinking of “Self”

O’ Saviour! I do have passed

numerous days in polytheism.

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