Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


Kwell (lindane), 4–61
Kytril (granisetron), 6–62

La Cross virus, 5–66
Labetalol, 3–109
Labor, 3–87
in animals, 5–130—5–131
preterm, 3–93—3–95
shoulder dystocia with, 3–95—3–96
stages of, 3–87—3–88
vaginal delivery during
first stage, 3–88
fourth stage, 3–93
second stage, 3–88
third stage, 3–88—3–93
Laboratory procedures
ABO grouping and confirmation tests, 8–59
brucellosis test, 8–45
Con-Trate method, 8–52—8–53
crossmatching, 8–60—8–62
culture interpretation, 8–49—8–50
for feces for ova and parasites, 8–51—8–52
Giemsa stain, 8–47—8–48
Gram stain, 8–44—8–45
macroscopic examination of feces and occult
blood test, 8–50—8–51
microhematocrit determination, 8–53—8–54
preparing specimens for transport,
RBC count/morphology, 8–54—8–56
Rh typing, 8–59—8–60
Tzanck stain, 8–48—8–49
urinalysis, 8–41—8–43
WBC count on whole blood, 8–56—8–58
WBC differential count, 8–58
wet mount and KOH prep, 8–43—8–44
Wright’s stain, 8–46—8–47
Ziehl-Neilson stain, 8–47
Laboratory tests
for COPD, 4–22
for fatigue, 3–30
in joint fluid analysis, 8–29
in joint pain assessment, 3–61
for knee pain, 3–75
for memory loss, 3–86
for palpitations, 3–110
for pruritus, 3–114
for syncope, 3–118
differential diagnosis of, 3–20
dizziness in, 3–20
treatment of, 3–21
Lac-Hydrin, 4–50
Lacrimal gland inflammation, 3–26
Lactulose, 3–59
antemortem veterinary exam for, 5–123
equine, 5–134—5–135
Laminitis, equine, 5–134

Lamivudine, 5–78
Landfill management, 5–121
Lansoprazole, 4–85
Laryngeal mask airway, 7–1
Laryngospasms, 6–21
Laser exposure evacuation criteria, 7–29
Laser eye injuries, 7–28—7–29
Lasix (furosemide)
for congestive heart failure, 4–4
for electrical or lightning injury, 7–27
for hemolytic reaction, 8–20
for pleural effusion, 4–15
for venomous snake bite, 5–145
Lassa fever, 6–61
Latrines, 5–111—5–113f, 5–115
closing, 5–118
maintenance of, 5–115
Latrodectus spider, 4–60
for equine colic, 5–133
for self-limiting abdominal pain, 3–1
Lead poisoning, 4–71
Left bundle branch block, 4–1
Legionella species, 4–14
Legs, restraining of (cows), 5–129—5–130
assessment of, 5–43
cutaneous type, 5–43
follow-up for, 5–43
patient education for, 5–43
signs of, 5–43
symptoms of, 5–43
transmission of, 5–42
treatment for, 5–43
visceral, 5–43
differential diagnosis of, 5–78
zoonotic disease considerations in, 5–43—5–44
Lepidoptera sting, 4–57
Leprosy, 4–45
Leptospira, 5–86
Leptospirosis, 5–32
assessment of, 5–87
differential diagnosis of, 4–36, 5–69, 5–70,
5–71, 5–84, 5–89, 5–104
follow-up for, 5–87
patient education for, 5–87
prevention of, 5–74t
signs of, 5–86—5–87
symptoms of, 5–86
transmission of, 5–86
treatment for, 5–74t, 5–87
zoonotic disease considerations in, 5–87
Leukemia, 4–8
for epididymitis, 3–84, 3–85
for prostatitis, 3–81, 3–82
for urinary tract infections, 4–93, 4–94
for anthrax, 5–91
for eye injury, 3–28
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