Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


differential diagnosis of, 3–112t, 5–103
follow-up for, 5–85
in meningitis, 4–36
patient education for, 5–85
Q fever, 5–85—5–86
signs of, 5–83
symptoms of, 5–83
treatment for, 5–84
zoonotic disease considerations in,
differential diagnosis of, 3–112t, 5–83
treatment of, 5–85
for brucellosis, 5–94
for hip pain, 3–74
for leprosy, 4–45
for meningitis, 4–37
for Q fever, 5–86
for tuberculosis, 5–55
for verruga peruana, 5–93
Rimantadine, 4–12
Ring block, 5–175
Ringer’s lactate
for blister agents, 6–53
for electrical or lightning injury, 7–27
saline, 3–43
Ringworm, 4–49—4–51
River blindness. See Onchocerciasis
Rizatriptan (Maxalt), 3–56
Rocephin (ceftriaxone)
after thoracostomy, 8–9
for cesarean section, 3–100
for epididymitis, 3–84
for preterm labor infection, 3–94
with splinting, 8–32
Rocky Mountain spotted fever, 5–32, 5–83
differential diagnosis of, 3–112t
joint pain with, 3–60
treatment of, 5–84
Rodent mite, 5–83
in hantavirus transmission, 5–68, 5–69
in plague transmission, 5–95—5–96, 5–97
Romana’s sign, 5–53
Rosacea, 4–39
Rosy anemone, 6–13—6–14
Rotator cuff injury, 3–70
Rotator cuff tendonitis
assessment of, 3–70
treatment of, 3–71
Rotavirus, porcine, 5–135
Rouleaux formations, 8–56, 8–58
RPR, 3–61
Rubbish disposal, 5–118
differential diagnosis of, 3–113t, 5–66, 5–79
required vaccination for, 5–106t
Rubeola, 4–11
Rule of nines, 7–20f, 7–22

Sacroiliac joint dysfunction, 3–6
Salicylates, 5–99
Salicylic acids, 4–49
paste, 5–4
for blister agents, 6–53
boluses, for heat exhaustion, 6–49
for diabetes mellitus, 4–29
in fluid resuscitation for burns, 7–22
indications, benefits, and cautions for, 7–15t
Salmeterol (Serevent)
for asthma, 4–20
for COPD, 4–22
differential diagnosis of, 5–86
in food poisoning, 4–79, 4–80
nontyphoidal, 5–104
in porcine diarrhea, 5–135
typhi, 5–104
vaccination against, 5–105
Salmonellosis, 5–32
assessment of, 3–18
Salsalate, 8–38
Salt restriction
for congestive heart failure prevention, 4–4
for hypertensive emergency, 4–5
for pericarditis, 4–7
Sandfly bite, 5–42
Sanitation, in field. See Field sanitation
Saphenous nerve block, 5–168—5–169
Saran lotion, 4–61
differential diagnosis of, 4–37
as disqualifying condition for diving, 6–21
Sarcoptes scabiei, 4–59, 4–61—4–62
Sarcosporidiosis, 5–32
Sarna lotion, 3–115
Scabies, 4–59, 5–32
assessment of, 4–61
cause of, 4–61
differential diagnosis of, 3–114, 4–53
follow-up for, 4–62
patient education for, 4–61—4–62
signs of, 4–61
symptoms of, 4–61
treatment for, 4–61
zoonotic disease considerations in, 4–62
Scabs, 4–39
Scalded skin syndrome, 3–112t
Scales, 4–39
Scarlet fever, 5–99
diagnostic algorithm for, 3–30—3–34f
differential diagnosis of, 3–112t
Scars, 4–39
haemotobium, 5–47
japonica, 5–47
mansoni, 5–47
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