rksju dyl po¡j /kqt fcfc/k cukbfUgA
gkV iVksjfUg Nk; lQy r# ykbfUgAA87AA
xkSjh uSgj dsfg fcf/k dggq c[kkfu;A
tuq fjrqjkt eukst jkt jt/kkfu;AA88AA
tōrana kalasa cavam̐ra dhuja bibidha banā'inhi.
hāṭa paṭōranhi chāya saphala taru lā'inhi. 87.
gaurī naihara kēhi bidhi kahahu bakhāniya.
janu riturāja manōja rāja rajadhāniya. 88.
87-88. Different varieties of colourful buntings, festoons, ceremonial pots and
pitchers, whisks, flags and standards were made and put up all over the place to
decorate the entire area (as well as the city) to give it a festive look. The market places
were covered with silk cloth, and fruit trees were planted by the side of the roads here
and there, everywhere.^1 (87)
Say, how can one describe the parent’s place of Gauri (Parvati)? It resembled the
capital cities of Basant (the spring season) and Kamdeo-cupid.
[That is, the entire city was decorated and decked up fabulously. It looked
magnificent and even the Gods may have been stunned by its charm. It is expected to
be so—because the Mother Goddess had taken birth in this city.]^2 (88)
[Note—^1 Refer: Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand, from Chaupai line no. 4 that precedes
Doha no. 287—to Chaupai line no. 3 that precedes Doha no. 289 which describe in
detail how the city is decorated on the occasion of a royal marriage. In this case
however, the occasion is the marriage of Lord Ram with Sita.
(^2) Refer: Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand—(i) Chaupai line no. 7 that precedes Doha
no. 65; (ii) Doha no. 94 along with its preceding Chaupai line nos. 7-8 and the
Chanda that accompanies them.]
tuq jkt/kkuh enu dh fcjph prqj fcf/k vkSj ghaA
jpuk fcfp= fcyksfd ykspu fcFkfd BkSjfga BkSj ghaAA
,fg Hkk¡fr C;kg lekt lft fxfjjktq exq tksou yxsA
rqylh yxu yS nhUg eqfuUg egsl vku¡n j¡x exsAA11AA
janu rājadhānī madana kī biracī catura bidhi aura hīṁ.
racanā bicitra bilōki lōcana bithaki ṭhaurahiṁ ṭhaura hīṁ.
ēhi bhām̐ti byāha samāja saji girirāju magu jōvana lagē.
tulasī lagana lai dīnha muninha mahēsa ānam̐da ram̐ga magē. 11.
Chanda 11. It looked as if the creator had crafted the capital of Kamdeo-cupid with
special care, diligence and expertise so that it was different from other capital cities.
The eyes seem to be transfixed anywhere it went to behold its strange, fascinating and
magnificent construction.
In this way, Giriraj (Parvati’s father) completed all the formalities and
collected all the accoutrements necessary for the marriage ceremony, and waited for
the arrival of the groom’s party.
Tulsidas says that the seven celestial sages (the Sapta-rishis) brought the
‘Lagan Patrika’—the invitation card formally containing the marriage proposal as
well as the auspicious date, time and venue for the formalization of the marriage, and
gave it to Mahesh (Shiva). (11)