Handbook of Hygiene Control in the Food Industry
only one chemical rinse and result in a cleaner surface (Timperley and Smeulders,1987).Where two-stage cleanersare usedthe order ...
Visualisationof the cleaningof milkand whey proteinconcentratedeposits (suchas Christian, 2004 ; Birdand Bartlett,1995;Grasshoff ...
∑ Swelling± alkali solution contacts the depositand causesswelling,forming a protein matrixof highvoidfraction. ∑ Erosion± unifo ...
turbidity monitoringto confirmwhen rinsing is completeand the fluidflowing downa pipeis clear.Somemonitors,suchas the `Monitex'p ...
alone, for temperaturesbetween 35 and 90 ÎC. Nisbetand Langdon(1997) reported that milkfilms heatedto 80 ÎC becamemoreresistantt ...
The balancebetweencleaning fromwaterand hydroxide was shownclearly by Christian (2004); a pilot-scale PHEwas cleanedby hydroxide ...
typically requiresonlythreesteps:(rinse, clean, rinse), compared witha mini- mumof five neededfor two-stagecleaning: (rinse, alk ...
although chemicals used for single-stage cleaning are more expensive (Timperley and Smeulders, 1987;De Goederenet al., 1989),ove ...
havebeendevelopedto removelayersof deposit at millimetre level(Liuet al., 2002).Theforce required to disrupta surfacefilmcan be ...
à W A Ö 29 : 4 Ü whereA(m^2 ) is the disc surfacearea,and is the fractioncoveredby the sample measured by imageanalysis as desc ...
showingthat cohesiveforcesbetweenthe depositsexceedthoseof adhesion betweensurfaceand deposit,the gap betweenthe probeand substr ...
influence of pulsing in tubularsystems on heattransfer can show:an increase (Karamercanand Gainer, 1979),no enhancement(Martinel ...
gelledbiopolymers).Understandingof the interactionbetweendeposits and surfacesis clearly criticalin cleaning.On a nanoscale, ato ...
Fig. 29.4 The effectof changingsurfaceenergyon removalof (a) bakedand unbaked deposits,showinga minimumforcesof adhesion,and (b) ...
the baked-on sample,as wouldbe expected, as that has beencookedontothe surface and wouldbe expectedto bondmorestrongly. The forc ...
(suchas milk)are adhesive; cleaninginvolvesreactionof the deposit into a viscoelasticgel that adheres to the surface.This classi ...
heat exchangerfor determiningthe sensitivityof milkto depositformation.J Dairy Res 33 317±324. BURTON, H.(1968).Reviewsof the pr ...
heatedsurfaces.J DairySci 51 520±526. GRASSHOFF,A.(1989).Environmentalimpactof the use of alkalinecleaningsolutions.In: Foulinga ...
LIU,W., CHRISTIAN, G. K., ZHANG, Z.,andFRYER, P. J.(2002).Developmentand use of a micromanipulationtechniquefor measuringthe for ...
ROBBINS, P. T., ELLIOT, B. L., FRYER, P. J., BELMAR,M. T.,andHASTING,A. P. M.(1999).A comparisonof milkand wheyfoulingin a pilot ...
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