Statistical Methods for Psychology

(Michael S) #1

The Full Model

The most common model for a two-way analysis of variance is

As we did before, we can expand the aiand bjterms by using a design matrix. But then
how should the interaction term be handled? The answer to this question relies on the fact
that an interaction represents a multiplicative effect of the component variables. Suppose
we consider the simplest case of a 2 3 2 factorial design. Letting the entries in each row
represent the coefficients for all subjects in the corresponding cellof the design, we can
write our design matrix as
A 1 B 1 AB 11

The first column represents the main effect of A, and distinguishes between those sub-
jects who received A 1 and those who received A 2. The next column represents the main
effect of B, separating B 1 subjects from B 2 subjects. The third column is the interaction of
Aand B. Its elements are obtained by multiplying the corresponding elements of columns
1 and 2. Thus, 1 51 3 1, 21 51 32 1, 21 521 3 1, and 1 521 32 1. Once again,
we have as many columns per effect as we have degrees of freedom for that effect. We have
no entries of 0 simply because with only two levels of each variable a subject must either
be in the first or last level.
Now consider the case of a 2 3 3 factorial. With two levels of Aand three levels of
B, we will have dfA 5 1, dfB 5 2, and dfAB 5 2. This means that our design matrix will
require one column for Aand two columns each for Band AB. This leads to the follow-
ing matrix:
A 1 B 1 B 2 AB 11 AB 12

Column A 1 distinguishes between those subjects who are in treatment level A 1 and
those in treatment level A 2. Column 2 distinguishes level B 1 subjects from those who are
not in B 1 , and Column 3 does the same for level B 2. Once again, subjects in the first a 21
and first b 2 1 treatment levels are scored 1 or 0, depending on whether or not they served
in the treatment level in question. Subjects in the ath or bth treatment level are scored 21
for each column related to that treatment effect. The column labeled AB 11 is simply the
product of columns A 1 and B 1 , and is the product of and.
The analysis for a factorial design is more cumbersome than the one for a simple one-
way design, since we wish to test two or more main effects and one or more interaction
effects. If we consider the relatively simple case of a two-way factorial, however, you
should have no difficulty generalizing it to more complex factorial designs. The basic prin-
ciples are the same—only the arithmetic is messier.

AB 12 A 1 B 2


a 1 b 1
a 1 b 2
a 1 b 3
a 2 b 1
a 2 b 2
a 2 b 3




1 21 21 21 21



21 21 2111



a 1 b 1
a 1 b 2
a 2 b 1
a 2 b 2



1 21 21


21 211


Yijk=m1ai1bj1abij 1 eijk

Section 16.3 Factorial Designs 587
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