The New Abs Diet Cookbook: Hundreds of Delicious Meals That Automatically Strip Away Belly Fat!

(Michael S) #1

Cantaloupe (1 medium wedge) 9 12 272
Carrot (1) 20 7 195
Cauliflower (1 cup) 22 15 303
Celery (1 cup, strips) 50 14 322
Cereal, whole grain, with raisins (½ cup) 33 70 207
Cheddar cheese (1 slice) 204 8 28
Chef's salad with no dressing (1½ cups) 235 49 401
Cherries, sweet, raw (1 cup) 21 16 325
Chicken, skinless (½ breast) 6.50 16 150
Chickpeas (1 cup cooked 8O 79 477
Chili with beans (1 cup) 120 115 934
Chips, potato, light (1 ounce) 10 18 285
Chocolate (1.45 ounces) 78 26 153
Cinnamon bun (1) 10 3.60 19
Citrus fruits and frozen concentrate juices (12 ounces) 85 68 1,336
Clams, fried (3/4 cup) 71 16 366
Coffee (1 cup) 2 5 114
Collards (1 cup cooked) 266 38 220
Cookie, chocolate chip (1) 2.50 3 14
Corn (1 cup) 8 44 343
Cottage cheese, low-fat (1 cup) 138 11 194
Crackers (12) 28 12 48
Cranberry juice cocktail (1 cup) 8 5 46

RDA (men/women) 55/55 11/8 -
Cake, coffee (1 piece) 9 0.25 180
Cake, frosted (1 piece) 1.40 0.30 239
Canadian bacon (2 slices) 11 0.80 137
Candy, nonchocolate (1 package) 0 0 230
Cantaloupe (1 medium wedge) 0.40 0.18 24
Carrot (1) 0.06 0.15 35
Cauliflower (1 cup) 0.60 0.30 25
Celery (1 cup, strips) 0.50 0.16 17
Cereal, whole grain, with raisins (½ cup) 10 1 195
Cheddar cheese (1 slice) 4 0.90 114
Chef's salad with no dressing (1½ cups) 37 3 267
Cherries, sweet, raw (1 cup) 0.90 0.09 90
Chicken, skinless (½ breast) 11 0.50 130
Chickpeas (1 cup cooked 6 2.50 269
Chili with beans (1 cup) 3 5 220
Chips, potato, light (1 ounce) 2 0.17 142
Chocolate (1.45 ounces) 2 0.83 230
Cinnamon bun (1) 5 0.10 418
Citrus fruits and frozen concentrate juices (12 ounces) 1 0.41 186

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