Fury on Earth: A Biography of Wilhelm Reich

(Jacob Rumans) #1

  1. FDA file, May 26, 1956.

  2. FDA file, April 20, 1954.

  3. James S. Turner,The Chemical Feast(New York: Grossman, 1970),

  4. AI with Peter Reich, June 18, 1972.

  5. Ibid.

  6. WR,Contact with Space, Ch. VI. I may note that it was not until some twenty years after
    its publication that I could bring myself to study Contact with Spacecarefully, so put off was
    I by its irrational passages. The book highlights the need for great patience on the part of
    the reader to sort out Reich’s wheat from the chaff of his last years.

  7. Ibid, Ch. IV.


44.Tel.Int. with William Moise, June 12, 1972.

45.Contact with Space, Ch. VII.

Chapter 29:Background to the Trial
for Contempt of Injunction: 1955-1956, p.404

  1. AI with Charles Haydon, July 6, 1972.

  2. Reich sent a copy ofConspiracyto Olveta Culp Hobby, then Secretary of the Department
    of Health, Education and Welfare, who forwarded it to Maguire.

  3. AI with Gladys Meyer, July 16, 1971.

4.JIOR, WR:BIO,164.

  1. Aurora Karrer refused to be interviewed by me.

6.AC with Tom Ross,July 1976.

  1. WR, “The Medical DOR-Buster,”CORE, VII, 1955, 112.

8.Eva Reich, ed., “Early Diagnosis of Cancer of the Uterus,”CORE,VII, 1955, 48-49.

  1. Ibid. (WR is being quoted), 50-51.

10,WR also used pseudonyms in the past.In addition to any objective purpose they served,
they seem to have met his penchant for the dramatic.

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