(Darren Dugan) #1

The table# 36-C shows that validity of the responses received for the affect of such
conflicts upon their career is 96.8%. This shows that again majority do not view that
conflict could arise from nomination to a training. In the table 3.2% has said not to any
such affect witnessed by a conflict arising out of nomination to a training.

Table # 37-C
Support Expected from the Organization for Career Development
Do you think you need support from the organization to help develop your career?

y Percent
Valid 5 7.9
no 6 9.5
yes 52 82.5
Total 63 100.0

Interpretation and analysis

Study Q. 4: What are the individuals’ expectations in terms of support from the
organization towards career development process?

According to table# 37-C the data carries 7.9% of validity. In the table 9.5% of the
respondents have said that they do not need any support from the organization to develop
their career and 82.5% has said that they would want their organization to support them
in their career development. This means majority expects that their organization should
support them in their career development.

Table #38-C
Positive Impact of Staff Development on Organizations
Do you think the organization will benefit from your professional development?

y Percent
Valid 4 6.3
yes 59 93.7
Total 63 100.0

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