Interpretation and analysis
Study Q. 4: What are the individuals’ expectations in terms of support from the
organization towards career development process?
Table # 22-D shows that 31.8% of the total has expressed their preference with respect to
career promotion support by the organization in the form of formal coaching and
guidance in making career related decisions and planning.
Table# 24-D
Type of Organizational Support to Career Development
What you suggest how the organization can help you in promoting your career?
(Promotion on merit)
y Percent
Valid 41 62.1 62.1 62.1
b 25 37.9 37.9 100.0
Total 66 100.0 100.0
Interpretation and analysis
Study Q. 4: What are the individuals’ expectations in terms of support from the
organization towards career development process?
According to the above table another 37.9% responses has indicated that the organization
support in promoting individuals’ careers could be integrated with the promotion strategy
by going through a test so as to ensure a fair chance for all those who are eligible for a
certain position.