amino acid 9, 11, 11 – 12,12,
in genetic code 117
in motif 188
amino acid residue 12, 26
amino group (–NH 2 ) 12
ammonia 10, 24, 121
ammonium potassium salt 73
amorphous solid 12
AMP, cyclic 66
ampere 12
amphipathic molecule 12
amphiphilic 12 – 13
amphiprotic solvent 13
amphoteric 11, 13
amphoterism 13
AM radio 90
amu (atomic mass unit) 20
anabolism 13
anaerobe 13, 199
anaerobic 13,23, 72
analog 13,16, 58
analog signal 76
anation 13
anchimeric assistance. See
anemia 13
anesthesia 33
angle 71
anion 13
anion radical. Seeradical ion
aniontropic rearrangement
anisotropy 94
annelation 13
annulation 13 – 14
annulene 14
anode 14,14, 89
ansiotropy 13, 150
antagonist 14
antarafacial 14, 14 – 15,89,
anti 15, 15
antiaromatic. Seearomatic
antibody 2, 15 – 16,42, 138
antibonding orbital 16
antiferromagnetic. See
antifreeze peptides 184
antigen 1, 16,63, 138
antigenic determinant. See
antihistamine 32–33, 129
anti-Markownikoff addition
antigen 16
antimetabolite 16
antimony 177
antineutrino 26
antisense molecule 16
antiviral drugs 7
aphotic zone 16
apoprotein 16
aprotic solvent 16
aquation 16
aqueous solution 17
archaea 17,23, 177
archaeology 40
arene 19
arginine 96
argon 194
aromatic 17,19, 72, 130, 153
aromatic hydrocarbons 17
Arrhenius, Svante August 17,
17 – 19
Arrhenius equation 18
arsenic 177
arthritis 119, 153–154
artificial transmutation 19
aryl group 19
aryne 19, 25
ascorbate 108
asexual reproduction 27
asparagine 118
assimilation 19
assimilative. Seeassimilation
assimilator. Seeassimilation
associated ions 19
association 19
astronomy 43
asymetric carbon 19
asymetric induction 19
asymetric synthesis 19
asymmerty parameter 19
atmosphere 19,28, 40, 83,
atom 19,20,60, 91
atomic mass unit (amu) 20
atomic number 20,164, 210
atomic orbital 16, 20
atomic radius 20
atomic weight or mass 20,
atomization 125
Atoms for Peace Award 174
ATP (adenosine triphosphate)
and cellular respiration
and chemiosmosis 49
and cyclic AMP 66
and dynein 86
and electron-transport
chain 94–95
and facultative
anaerobes 105
and ion pumps 144
and mitochondria 180
ATP synthase (proton
translocating ATPase) 20
atropine 82
attachment 20 – 21, 21
aufblau 21
auranofin 119
aurora borealis 18
autacoid 21
autocatalytic reaction 21
autoionization 21
automerization. See
degenerate rearrangement
automobile 162
autophytic 21
autoprotolysis 21
autoprotolysis constant 21
autoreceptor 21
autotrophic organism 21
An Autumn Gleaning(Dale)
auxins 21
auxotroph 21
A value 21 – 22
Avogadro’s law 22
Avogadro’s number 22
azacarbene. Seenitrene
azene. Seenitrene
azurin 22
azylene. Seenitrene
bacillariophyceae 75
background radiation 23
Bacon, Francis Thomas 133
bacteria 23
anaerobic 13
and azurin 22
and fermentation 108
methanogenic 105
prehistoric 66
reproduction of 27
toxins in 102
bacteriochlorophyll 23
Baeyer, Adolf von 109
Baldwin’s rules 23
Balmer series 23
bananas 100
band theory of metals 23 – 24
Banting, Frederick Grant 24
bar (unit of pressure) 24
barometer 24, 172
barrier, intrinsic 142
basalt 24
base 24
Bronsted 34
in conjugate pairs 58
gas-phase 115
hard 124
basement membrane 53
base pairing 24
base pair substitution 24 – 25
basic anhydride 25
basicity constant. Seeacidity
basicity function. Seeacidity
basic oxide 25
basic salt 25
basic solution 25
The Basis of Sensation
(Adrian) 6
bathochromic shift 25
bathyal zone 25
batteries 85, 85,112, 113,
162, 220
Baumé, Antoine 133
bauxite 25
beans 23, 56, 193
Beaty, Theresa 57
beer 108
Beer, August 25
Beer-Lambert law 25
Bell-Evans-Polyani principle
benthic zone 25
benzene 17, 132, 153
benzyne 19, 25
Berg, Paul 25 – 26
Bernstein, Julius 74
Best, Charles 24
beta (β)band 67
beta (β) decay 26
beta (β) particle 26, 91
beta (β)rays 122, 144
beta (β) sheet 26
beta (β) strand 26
beta (β) turn 26
bifunctional catalysis 26
bifunctional ligand 26
bimolecular reaction 26
binary acid 27
binary compound 27
binary fission 27
binding constant. See
stability constant
binding energy 27
binding site 27
binomial (name) 27
binuclear 27
bioaccumulation 27
bioassay 27, 214
bioavailability 27
biocatalyst 27
Index 327