82 3 Police and Law Enforcement—Civil Forcnsics Suggestions for Future Research Ciiven the increasing public awareness and citiz ...
83 how discrimination occurs in policing and helps to explain why African-American citizens would coin a term such as D.W.B. lie ...
84 3 Police and Law Enforcement—Civil Forensics percent of all persons arrested for violations of city ordinances during the yea ...
attention to his or her driving and followed the vehicle to investigate. When the officers pulled alongside the Pathfinder, they ...
86 3 Police and Law Enforcement—Civil F:orensu;s "The belief among a substantial segment of the population that law enforcement ...
Policing Minority Populations 87 racial bias plays a role in police decisions to arrest (Schifferle, 1997). Other re- searchers ...
88 3 Police and Law Enforcement—Civil Forensics Suggestions for Future Research Most of the research on racism in policing focus ...
Family Forensics OVERVIEW At the crossroads of policing and psychology are controversies that affect adult and juvenile offender ...
90 4 Police and Law Enforcement—Family Forensics strife. What police methods are used to mediate family squabbles? What are the ...
Police as Mediators in Domestic Disputes 91 The following case illustration is a typical yet compelling scenario of a domestic v ...
92 -1 Police and Law Enforcement—Family F'orensics The police response to domestic violence is regarded as a controversial and e ...
93 strongest evidence for arrest. The greater the injury to the victim, the more likely the offender was arrested. The police of ...
94 -f Police and Law Enforcement—Family F states, with strict enforcement, in order to ensure complete protection regardless of ...
Police Stress 95 more studies are needed that examine the psychological profiles of officers who deal with domestic violence sit ...
96 4 Police and Law Enforcement—Faniilv F you are to investigate a complaint of gang activity in the area you are patrolling. Wi ...
97 Of particular interest is the number of officers who abuse alcohol as a means of dealing with their stressful lives. J. M, Vi ...
98 4 Police and Law Enforcement—-Family Forensics understand the level of stress an officer faces when the nature of the profess ...
Police Stress 99 emotional turmoil. Everything from recurring nightmares to a "quick-trigger syn- drome" may develop as a result ...
100 4 Police and Law Enforcement—Family F use of alcohol, the typical officer's use is higher than that of the general populatio ...
Police Stress 101 Forensic Psychology and Policy Implications A variety of topics were discussed in this section, and a multitud ...
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