142 6 Court and the Legal System—Juvenile Forensics Adolescents can behave recklessly and deviantly. They can also engage in ill ...
Defining the Age of Criminal Responsibility 143 in the District of Columbia, raped her, and then took her wallet. The fingerprin ...
144 (> Court and the Legal System—-Juvenile Forensics punishment as adult offenders. The pawns patriac doctrine, which is der ...
Defining the Age of Criminal Responsibility 145 were treated more punitively by the criminal justice system than those adjudicat ...
146 f> Court and the Legal System—-Juvenile Forensics same as adult offenders, especially those charged with violent crimes. ...
Defining the Age of Criminal Responsibility 147 (Umbreit, 1995). Umbreit also argues that the justice system should start practi ...
148 6 Court and the Legal System—Juvenile Forensics obtain it. It is important to study age-appropriate legal decision making so ...
Children/juveniles and the Reliability ot"Their Courtroom Testimony 149 Literature Review As reflected in the case illustration, ...
150 f> Court and the Legal System—-Juvenile Forensics will believe her. According to Jaskiewicz-Obydzinska and Czerederecka ( ...
151 determine if she would be so traumatized as to incapacitate her communication abilities that it would warrant the use of clo ...
152 6 Court and the Legal System—Juvenile Forensics Suggestions for Future Research Much of the research on children's testimony ...
Best Interests of the Child Doctrine 133 temporarily removed from Sarah's custody because of her drug use. However, she was able ...
154 6 Court and the Legal System—juvenile Forensics an even broader level, the standard has been criticized because societal agr ...
Best Interests of the Child Doctrine 155 evidence showing that divorced fathers can provide nurturance for their children and ca ...
1.56 (> Court and the Legal System—juvenile I-orensics Suggestions for Future Research Research needs to focus on exactly whi ...
Sentencing: Psychology of Juvenile Rehabilitation 157 On May 21, 1998, a 15-year-old freshman named Kipland Kinkel allegedly com ...
158 f> Following the reforms aimed at protecting the due process rights ot juvenile offenders were the initiatives geared tow ...
Sentencing: Psychology of juvenile Rehabilitation 159 upon completion of die rehabilitative program as compared to juvenile offe ...
160 6 Court and the Legal System-—-Juvenile Foremics data unambiguously documenting how rehabilitative programs serve to protect ...
Civil Forensics OVERVIEW The legal system assumes an important role in the adjudication of noncriminal matters impacting the liv ...
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