The Complete Idiot''s Guide to Music Theory
Chapter 18:Composing and Arranging for Voices and Instruments Instrument Range (Concert Pitch) Write It ... Organ Concert pitch ...
Par t 6:Arranging The Least You Need to Know ◆In descending order, the four main voices in the choir are soprano, alto, tenor, a ...
Chapter 18:Composing and Arranging for Voices and Instruments Exercises Exercise 18-1 Transpose the following melody for trumpet ...
Par t 6:Arranging Exercise 18-4 Transpose the following trumpet melody back into concert pitch. (Remember to set the transposed ...
19 Lead Sheets and Scores In This Chapter ◆Create clear and readable written music ◆Understand the differences between lead shee ...
242 Par t 6:Arranging ◆Each instrument should be clearly marked at the beginning of each staff. (The first instance typically ha ...
Chapter 19:Lead Sheets and Scores 243 Make It Simple Even simpler than the lead sheet is a piece of music that contains only cho ...
244 Par t 6:Arranging When you create a choral score—or any score with multiple parts, for that matter—make sure a measure withi ...
Chapter 19:Lead Sheets and Scores 245 A typical chord sheet. ...
246 Par t 6:Arranging A song outlined using the Nashville Number System. ...
Chapter 19:Lead Sheets and Scores 247 A four-part choral arrangement. Jazz It Up for Big Bands Another popular ensemble—particul ...
248 Par t 6:Arranging What instruments are we talking about? The typical big band has some or all of the following, listed from ...
Chapter 19:Lead Sheets and Scores A score for big band. 249 Amarching bandhas similar instrumentation to a concert band, minus t ...
Par t 6:Arranging A score for concert band. 250 ...
Chapter 19:Lead Sheets and Scores A score for full orchestra. 251 ...
Par t 6:Arranging Make the Big Score—for the Symphonic Orchestra Now we’re in the big leagues. Creating a score for full orchest ...
Chapter 19:Lead Sheets and Scores Today, thanks to computer technology, a lot of this notation process can be auto- mated. Music ...
Par t 6:Arranging Entering music with Finale. 254 Entering music with Sibelius. Both Finale and Sibelius, as well as other music ...
Chapter 19:Lead Sheets and Scores 255 The Least You Need to Know ◆Lead sheets present melody, chords, and lyrics. ◆Chord sheets ...
Par t 6:Arranging Exercise Exercise 19-1 Using the following blank score, create a simple four-measure chart for big band. Base ...
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