The Complete Idiot''s Guide to Music Theory
20 Performing Your Music In This Chapter ◆Preparing the parts for the individual musicians ◆Ensuring an effective and efficient ...
258 Par t 6:Arranging Most commercial music comes with all the individual parts you need for your group. However, if you’re play ...
Chapter 20:Performing Your Music 259 That means you need to know a little bit about conducting—at least enough to get everybody ...
260 Par t 6:Arranging Now you bring your arm down, all the way to the bottommost position, exactly on beat one. This is position ...
Chapter 20:Performing Your Music 261 1 3 2 Conducting in three. Finding the Beat As I said earlier, one of the chief duties of t ...
262 Par t 6:Arranging But before you go out and face the world for your first honest-to-goodness con- ducting session, you need ...
Chapter 20:Performing Your Music 263 Just because you’re done with this book, however, doesn’t mean that your music education ha ...
264 Par t 6:Arranging and see what you find. Among my favorite sites (as of summer 2005) are Music Notes Music Theory (library.t ...
A The Complete Idiot’s Music Glossary a cappella Vocal music, without instrumental accompaniment. a tempo Return to the previous ...
266 Appendix A atonality Music that has no tonal center and no underlying key. In pure atonal music, the notes of the chromatic ...
The Complete Idiot’s Music Glossary 267 compound chord Two chords sounded together. Typically notated with a vertical slash betw ...
268 Appendix A downbeat The major beats in a measure; in 4/4 time, the downbeats are 1, 2, 3, and 4. (Some theoreticians hold th ...
The Complete Idiot’s Music Glossary 269 key A combination of a tonic and a mode. For example, the key of F Major has F as the to ...
270 Appendix A moderato Tempo marking for a moderate pace. modulation A change of key. molto Modifier for tempo markings; means ...
The Complete Idiot’s Music Glossary 271 pitch The highness or lowness of a tone. (In scientific terms, a specific fre- quency.) ...
272 Appendix A staff An assemblage of horizontal lines and spaces that represent different pitches. string The family of instrum ...
The Complete Idiot’s Music Glossary transposition Translating pitch. treble clef A clef, used by higher-pitched voices and instr ...
B The Complete Idiot’s Chord Reference Here it is: everything you’ve ever wanted to know about creating chords, but didn’t know ...
276 Appendix B ...
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