The Complete Idiot''s Guide to Music Theory
5 Note Values and Basic Notation In This Chapter ◆Grouping beats into measures ◆Understanding whole, half, quarter, eighth, and ...
58 Par t 2:Rhythms Taking the Measure of Things Rhythm is about counting. Listen to your favorite pop song, and feel the beat. ( ...
Chapter 5:Note Values and Basic Notation The most common rhythmic notes—each smaller note is exactly half the previous note. Who ...
Par t 2:Rhythms the four-beat duration of a whole note. Put another way, you can put two half notes in a measure, because two ha ...
Chapter 5:Note Values and Basic Notation 61 Eighth Notes Just like the scientists in Fantastic Voyageor that miniature DC Comics ...
62 Par t 2:Rhythms Taking Count It’s fairly easy to write down a series of notes—but how do you communicate notes and values to ...
Chapter 5:Note Values and Basic Notation The following table shows all the notes you’ve just learned and their correspond- ing r ...
Par t 2:Rhythms Taking Two Notes—and Tying Them Together Another way to make a note longer is to tie it to another note. A tie i ...
Chapter 5:Note Values and Basic Notation The Least You Need to Know ◆Note values are named according to their duration. Whole no ...
Par t 2:Rhythms Exercise 5-4 Write the corresponding rests for the following notes. 66 Exercise 5-5 Fill in the balance of these ...
6 Time Signatures In This Chapter ◆Understanding how time signatures determine meter ◆Learning both usual and odd time signature ...
68 Par t 2:Rhythms Let’s take the four-quarter-notes-to-a-measure form we used in the previous chapter. Because we have four bea ...
Chapter 6:Time Signatures Quarter-Note Time Signatures Time Signature Beats per Measure 69 By the way, 4/4 time is sometimes cal ...
Par t 2:Rhythms When you have an eighth-note time signature, such as 3/8 or 6/8, every time you tap your foot you’re tapping an ...
Chapter 6:Time Signatures 71 Time Signature Beats per Measure Half Time If you move the other direction from the basic quarter-n ...
72 Par t 2:Rhythms Just as 4/4 is sometimes called common time, 2/2 is sometimes called cut time. You can indicate 2/2 by either ...
Chapter 6:Time Signatures Subdividing a 6/8 measure into two groups of three. So you count the measure “one two three; one two t ...
Par t 2:Rhythms Exercises Exercise 6-1 Write the following time signatures on the staff. 74 Exercise 6-2 Enter the appropriate n ...
Chapter 6:Time Signatures Exercise 6-7 Enter bar lines to divide the following piece of music into four measures of 7/8 time. 75 ...
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