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of scarcity and fear throughout all aspects of culture tries to impose its Will on us
in determining who we are and our usefulness to the collective (Borg). To emerge
from the gravity of this ancient unconscious form of control we need both clarity,
stamina and determination to break free from the clutches of these lower primate
dynamics. Only by living our genius in constant connection to the All can we
contribute anything of evolutionary transcendent value. And thereby be a secret
agent of change from the old power-war system to the new green-peace world.
Nonduality is Sahaj Samadhi, or the state of no-difference, in which all that arises
is recognized as a mere self-existing and self-radiant divine Being. Enlightenment
is the realization of the perfect transparency of the conditional world to its Source.
The whole play of existence appears merely as a veil, transparent to the inherent
self-light. Adi Da says the three stages of perfect practice entail:

  1. The realization of the Witness.

  2. The contemplation of Depth

  3. Transcendence of the “content” of consciousness

Yet this is no negation or trivialization of the contents of consciousness, but a
distance and plasticity in relation to “content,” which allows the realization of the
highest energetic, coherent, syntropic, win-win outcome. There is the no-self, and
there is the Self and the Self is called to evolutionary-action. In this radical move
from the personal to the transpersonal there is a dismantling of the ego not the
glorification of the ego. Spirituality is the Realization of the Self as one with and
not separate from the Universal Organism.
Now if ego (separate-self-sense) is the tension between the poles of subject and
object, it is this pull-back into is this defensive perspective, which
contracts us from Infinity that constitutes our suffering. In the act of separation
the conditioned reactive self accumulates negative karma. “Finishing” with the
past means letting go of the egos “defense” from and “attachment” to, its endlessly
recycled conditioning.
This is key to the entirety of life: “Garwin says that for every breakthrough there
is a corresponding breakdown of older circuits, that if re-entrained, are a root cause of
potential insanity. “ Arik Redman

“The Gnani (the Enlightened) continually enjoys uninterrupted, transcendental
experience, keeping his inner attention always on the Source, in spite of the apparent
existence of the ego, which the ignorant imagine to be real. This apparent ego is
harmless; it is like the skeleton of a burnt rope--though it has form, it is of no use to
tie anything with.” Sri Ramana Maharshi

Fabulous article on ego death: Death of the Ego, A Buddhist View, By David Loy

Books by David Loy: A Buddhist History of the West: Studies in Lack and The Great
Awakening: A Buddhist Social Theory

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