
(nextflipdebug5) #1

I don’t recommend drug use for triggering because kundalini is hard enough
to handle in itself, without trying to bring it on. Anything one does to detoxify,
enliven, exercise, strengthen, impassion and enthuse will bring on increased
kundalini. If you are interested in a more intimate relationship with your maker,
and desire to be overwhelmed in love with the Beloved...then kundalini is likely to
arise naturally from ones heart and spirit attuning actions. We are naturally told
what to do to come into alignment with our Self. The desire will and carry-through
just needs to be there, along with the faith to proceed despite all appearances and
Prior to the obvious activation of kundalini various strange symptoms can
occur years prior to the awakening itself. For example my left shin became really
sore for about a year prior to my 1988 awakening. I used to rub rosemary oil
into it to improve the nerve flow. Kundalini shows up mostly in the left side of
the body and you know it is obviously kundalini when you feel the tingle at the
bottom of the left foot. Although if one looks back one can see various warning
signs, often the initial blast of awakening happens out of the blue. That is we go
from the consensus worldview and material understanding of ourselves to a vastly
new universe in a matter of seconds as the energy shoots through the body like a
thousand suns. Another sign that an awakening is on the way is the front of the
neck around the thyroid might become painful for years prior to an awakening.
We can also experience years of painful contraction in the inner core as though a
rubber band was getting tighter and tighter within us.
The mind if healthy is a handy tool for integration of the transmutation. The
mind, if unhealthy or weak, is increasingly disturbed by the rising of kundalini
energy such that the individual becomes even less adapted to consensus reality.
“Correct” use of mind can perfect the body structures, open the heart, provide
a strong nervous system etc... and this will allow the awakening to proceed in a
healthy rather than pathological manner. The heightened psychic, insight, sensory
awareness of active kundalini can make one more sane in the cosmic or universal
sense than the consensus-trance of conventional reality, but more easily triggered
into dramatic action as well because everything in the psyche and soma is less
repressed...that is one becomes more Godlike and more elemental/archetypal also.
The barrier between material and spiritual becomes more permeable and the range
of our consciousness expands into regions we could only vaguely sense previously.
During heightened kundalini I have increased precognition and nonlocal
information is no longer surprising as it is first nature to me now. I can
also turn on my stereo and start the CD in my sleep during high spiritual energy
periods, I did it recently when I was working on a piece of writing in my dream.
This spontaneous turning on of the CD player always happens at 3am, perhaps
because the body’s circuits must change from sleep cycle into wake cycle and the
flipping of the brain frequencies turns on the stereo. However, it doesn’t happen
with light fixtures or other electric equipment as far as I know.
But I have learnt to not get overly emphatic about psychic level information.
For me it is just reaffirmation of the mysterious nature of the universe and
consciousness. It gives me great hope for the future of humanity, however I

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