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shadow. This is where the neurodetoxification of fossilized repression comes in as
a method of both soul and sex retrieval. For our soul is limited in its expression
by the influence of our conditioned defense system, and the shadow we fail to
process gets reflected back to us by the world. We need to deal with shock, fear,
anger, stress and grief by skillful means to avoid the tendency toward cumulative
neurotoxic repression. As we evolve we need to honor our 4F animal-responses in
order to not become rigid, suppressive and enervated, for what is not lived within
us will destroy us.
Charles Konia M.D. is author of a bioenergetic book called, “The Emotional
Plague: The Root of Human Evil.” Dr. Konia is Vice President and Fellow of the
American College of Orgonomy. His book explores a pervasive illness of destructive
human behavior and “lack of care,” that he has termed “the emotional plague.” He
explains how it existed throughout history, how to recognize it, treat it, prevent it,
and understand it. This neurosis has been transmitted from one generation to the
next throughout human history. Recognition is an essential first step in eradicating
its destructiveness. You could engage in Bioenergetics by seeing a therapist, learning
the exercises, or reading Wilhelm Reich or any of the fourteen books written by
Alexander Lowen, such as Pleasure, Honoring the Body, The Voice of the Body and
Bioenergetics. And Wilhelm Reich’s prestigious works including:The Bioelectrical
Investigation of Sexuality and Anxiety, Character Analysis, and The Function of the
Orgasm. —International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis —The American College of Orgonomy

soUnD For tHe Brain

Sound can alter vibration, coherence and communication between the different
levels of our existence from atom, to cell, to our body, mind and soul, altering and
enhancing consciousness. In Food of the Gods, Terrance McKenna says that speech
helped to vibrate the brain in the skull, cleansing the brain via the movement
of cerebral spinal fluid. This vibration and cleansing helped to evolve us faster
say than the Neanderthals because they had thicker skulls and so did not receive
such resonant vibrations in the brain from their speech. Besides increasing social
cohesion and heart openness, this detoxifying capacity of sound is perhaps why
most if not all religions exhibit some form of chanting, toning or singing.
“Vibrations of human skull, as produced by loud vocalization, exert a massaging
effect on the brain and facilitate elution of metabolic products from the brain into the
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)...The Neanderthals had a brain 15% larger than we have,
yet they did not survive competition with modern humans. Their brains were more
polluted, because their massive skulls did not vibrate and therefore the brains were not
sufficiently cleaned. In the evolution of the modern humans the thinning of the cranial
bones was important.” Julian Jaynes, The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown
of the Bicameral Mind, Houghton Mifflin 1977.
Few things are more “normalizing” to brain function than toning, mantra,
Huuuing and singing. Even meditation doesn’t clear the cobwebs and normalize
brain function as fast as sound vibration in the brain can. Nothing seems to return

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