
(nextflipdebug5) #1

insight, gnosis, learning ability, problem solving ability, memory and vision.
Whole-brain functioning is the opposite of “stress.” See Quantum Mind BOK-2
for more on this.
Since the chemistry created by such “brain tuning” reduces cortisol, increases
DHEA and increases melatonin, it is apparent that use of such sound programs
during kundalini could act as a buffer to reduce the intensity of the extreme highs
and lows. It seems to me that the ecstatic peaks would be more grounded in
everyday consciousness (Beta) and with a more stable Hypothalamus-Pituitary-
Adrenal Axis we would not have to endure extreme versions of panic or Dark Night
experiences. Plus use of the Alpha-Theta band that gives us the increased psychic
activity during the peak, would continue its presence after an awakening, so we
will not have to endure the feeling of falling from Grace. Plus Delta frequency
associated with deep dreamless sleep, witnessing and unity consciousness would
remain somewhat consistent throughout and thus the intensity of the exhaustion
phase may be reduced, with its alienation, separation and depression that often
arises on the deflation or down-cycle of an awakening. Using Beta wave may
help reduce certain kundalini symptoms such as confusion, lack of attention and
inability to spiritually navigate.
“The greater the lateralization in the brain, the greater the feelings of separation—
and the greater the feelings of separation, the greater the fear, stress, anxiety, and
isolation.” Bill Harris. Thresholds of the Mind.


GAMMA 40 HZ, BETA 14 - 40 HZ, ALPHA 8 - 14 HZ, THETA 4 - 8 HZ,
DELTA 0.5 - 3 HZ
In Eric Braverman’s book “The Edge Effect,” he has developed protocols for
balancing the four main brain neurotransmitters largely by nutrition, behavioral
and lifestyle changes. Balancing the brain thus affects practically everything in
human life: aging, intelligence, behavior, relationship, physical health, spiritual
attainment and creative output. With Braverman’s model we can see that our
personality is determined by our balance of the four neurotransmitters which
dictates the speed, voltage, rhythm-(calmness) and harmony of our brain. Going
with Braverman’s model of the four quadrants of the brain relating to the four
Serotonin---Occipital lobe---Delta---Increased harmony
GABA---Temporal lobes---Theta---Increased calmness, rhythm
Acetylcholine---Parental lobe---Alpha-Beta---Increased brain speed
Dopamine---Frontal lobe---Beta-Gamma---Increased voltage
The drug Ecstasy is a Dopamine drug known for its pronounced heart-brain
effects and increased visual acuity (transcendental vision). Dopamine is associated
with gamma wave. Dopamine is a reward chemical associated with pleasure,
movement, appetite and motivation. Dr. Daniel Amen says ADHD and ADD
is mainly a dopamine deficiency problem. Dopamine is related to Gamma, and
Gamma 40Hz--60Hz is the binding frequency that helps to synchronize the whole

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