
(nextflipdebug5) #1

Popp found stress and ill health to increase the rate of biophoton emission
also and suggested it was an attempt to restore energy equilibrium with zero
point. The radionics genius Georges Lakhovsky in his book “The Secret of Life”
also relates how he discovered that cellular oscillation is maintained by cosmic
radiation and that disease was due to a dis-equilibrium of oscillation to an excess or
deficiency of cellular radiation. Lakhovsky’s work is detailed in The Waves that Heal
by Mark Clement. Regarding biophotons and spiritual luminosity, researchers
found that extra biophotons are released from damaged, diseased or dying
lifeforms and they explained this as an attempt by the organism to heal itself. The
higher metabolism generated from this healing resulted in an observable increase
in biophoton emissions. Since the metamorphic biology of kundalini constitutes
greatly amplified healing (wholing), this increased metabolism is the reason for the
brightening of the lightbody and the “glow” of transmuting individuals. (Hence the
Shining Ones). Until further research in energy medicine might prove differently,
we an assume that the increase in kundi-biophotons is due to the ”healing state”
of metamorphosis.
The applied field of “Biophotonics” provides a new powerful tool for assessing
the quality of food (like freshness and shelf life), microbial infections, toxicity and
environmental influences and for substantiating medical diagnosis and success in
healing therapy. Popp established that the highest quality health in an organism or
in food has the lowest biophoton emissions and the most coherent intensity of light.
The number of photons emitted seemed to be linked to the organisms evolutionary
complexity. Rudimentary animals and plants emit around 100 photons/cm2/sec
at a wavelength of 200-800 nm, corresponding to a very-high-frequency EM wave
well within the visible range, whereas humans emit only 10 photons/cm2/sec at
the same frequency. Popp discovered that photon wave resonance was used in
communication “between” organisms as well as within organisms. Two organisms
engaged in resonance absorption or photon sucking, as he called it, by exchanging
photons. Con-structural interference patterns or zones of constructive interference
in the intracellular space may be responsible for communication and organization
effects in and between living organisms, including cells in tissues. This means from
the energetic point of view that growth regulation and health originates from a
balance equation.
While normal tissue increases the degree of coherence of the biophoton field
with increasing cell density, tumor tissue decreases the degree of coherence of
the biophoton field. Tumor cells and unhealthy cells/organisms display a higher
emission rate than normal ones owing to their loss of coherence. The inhibition
of cell growth is strongly linked to the degree of the coherence of the field.
Consequently, a definite loss of coherence is a necessary and sufficient condition
of cancer development. Leading not only to quantitative, but also to qualitative
differences between “normal” cells and “tumor cells” without any exception.
Popp’s approach to cancer therapy involves stimulating the normal cells always
present in a tumor, to become activated to remove or suppress the tumor cells. Thus
instead of killing tumor cells (and the connected normal tissue), he stimulates the

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