Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1
Figure 5.8b Figure 5.8c

Coaching Points: When backpedaling, the player must use small, quick steps while maintaining a low
centre of gravity. The bodyweight should also be kept forward. When transitioning from backpedaling to
sprinting, the player must use a drop step (see earlier section).

When dribbling towards their partner, the player should have their head up and must keep the ball close to
their feet. When dribbling at speed, the player must use the instep (laces) and upon contact with the ball
the toes should be pointing down.

Progression: Have the players perform the exercise slowly at first and once they have mastered the drop
step, have them perform it as quickly as possible. The exercise can be further progressed by allowing the
player with the ball to fake while dribbling and score in any of the goals while attacking. This allows the
activity to be more reactive in nature.

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