Cell - 8 September 2016

(Amelia) #1

Figure S7. Resolving TFIIK and Mediator Tail density, Related toFigures 6and 7
(A) Comparison and superposition of the 2.5 MDa Med-PIC (gray) and 1.5 MDa PIC (blue; EMD-3114) structures. The position of extra density attributable to TFIIS
in the PIC map is indicated.
(B) Comparison and superposition of Med-PIC and the 1.2 MDa core Med-Pol II complex (green; EMD-2786) structures.
(C) Fitting PIC and core Med-Pol II sub-complex structures into Med-PIC indicates two large regions of extra density attributable to TFIIK (gold) andMediator Tail

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