The Human Fossil Record. Volume 2 Craniodental Morphology of Genus Homo (Africa and Asia)

(Ben Green) #1


upper part of R coronoid process as well as some bone
externally under each C; all teeth present except P1.
Also some crushed postcranial elements.

Cranium. As reasonably reconstructed, cranium is
moderately long, high vaulted. In profile, the tall,
vertical frontal rises directly from a modestly swollen
glabellar region; superiorly, it curves back in a broad
arc that runs smoothly and continuously around top,
down occiput, and forward along nuchal plane. From
front, subnasal region quite short and small relative to
rest of face. From above, vault widest across mastoid
regions, with a gentle, moderately long taper forward
to virtually indistinct postorbital constrictions.
Posterior to this point, it describes a broad curve back
and around occiput. From rear, cranium is moderately
broad and somewhat tall; as more accurately portrayed
on L, tall side wall is slightly bulging and curves high
up to slope toward midline.
Superciliary arches small but discernible, with dis-
tinct bipartite configuration. Glabella butterfly is moder-
ately extensive, with alae confluent across the modestly
swollen glabellar region. Frontal sinuses had begun to
develop, but are minimal especially in view of individual’s
age. Orbits are reconstructed as large and with somewhat
“aviator glasses” shape, but the preserved inferomedial
portion of L orbit indicates that inferior margin would
have been more horizontal than it now appears.
Nasal bones preserved superiorly; relatively
narrow and angled forward. Nasion is overhung
slightly by glabella. Nasal aperture was probably not
very tall or wide. Very low, horizontal concha1 crest is
present on both lateral nasal cavity walls, just within
nasal aperture. Anterior part of nasal cavity floor is
flat. As preserved on the L, canine fossa is moderately
broad and deep, extending under area of inferior or-
bital margin. Nasoalveolar clivus was apparently
rather short, slightly angled forward, with moderately
strong curve from side to side.
Anterior temporal lines quite robust for an indi-
vidual this age; they describe a low arc back from their
emergence behind the zygomatic process of frontal.
Squamosals were short a/p, somewhat tall s/i, with
strong curve of squamosal suture and deep parietal
notch. Anterior squamosal flowed into alisphenoid
(thus no distinction between anterior and posterior
temporal fossae). No demarcation between temporal
and infratemporal fossae. On L, parietomastoid suture
moderately long. Posterior root of zygomatic arch
originates right at anterior margin of auditory meatus.

Suprameatal crest moderately developed anteriorly,
fading out posteriorly (supramastoid crest absent).
Auditory meatus small, ovoid, slightly anteriorly
tilted, and thick walled. Ectotympanic tube fully ossi-
fied laterally. Medial part of vaginal process missing
bilaterally, but process peaks at styloid process and
continues laterally to edge of meatus, lying quite far
from mastoid process. Stylomastoid foramen large;
lies posterior and somewhat lateral to styloid process.
Mastoid process preserved on the R points down and
descends only minimally below level of ectotympanic
tube. L mastoid process broken, revealing one large
and two small air cavities. Digastric fossa was prob-
ably fairly deep, if narrow m/l. There was probably no
distinct occipitomastoid or Waldeyer’s crest. Lamb-
doid suture rises sharply from asterion and peaks at
lambda. Seen from rear, occipital plane forms equilat-
eral triangle; in profile, it curves smoothly, unbroken
by inferior or superior nuchal line. Basicranial flexion
great. Basiocciput broad near foramen magnum, ta-
pers moderately anteriorly. Ovoid foramen magnum
not large or elongated. Condyles long. Postcondylar
canal fully patent.
Internally, R arcuate eminence is low and domed;
L is more salient. Subarcuate fossa depressed and not
entirely closed over. No superior petrous sinus.
Dentition similar to Qafzeh 9. 11s broadly spatu-
late m/d, swollen lingually (not shoveled), and much
larger than 12s. 12s somewhat spatulate and minimally
shoveled. Cs have vertical lingual pillars in midline,
shallow anterior and posterior foveae, and a short
mesial margocristid. P1 slightly larger than P2 m/d and
more so b/l; P2 more ovoid. Both Ps have well-devel-
oped, centrally placed paracone and protocone; cusps
are more peripheral on P1. Both Ps have small but deep
anterior and posterior foveae. Ml is noticeably larger
than M2 m/d and b/l. Ml and 2 hypocones large, long
dd, and connected to metacone by short postcingu-
lum. Ml and M2 protocone internally placed, trunca-
ting trigon basin; there is no talon basin, only an
oblique fissure between hypocone and postprotocrista.
Both Mls have moderate-size Carabelli’s cusps; in M2,
these cusps are continuous with a cingulum from the
hypocone. Bifurcation of LM2 buccal roots visible and
quite low. Isolated M3 crowns minuscule but morpho-
logically like M~s, with huge hypocones.

Mandible. Corpus deepens slightly to symphysis (or
appears to because inferior margin is concave below
coronoid). Relatively tight curve around front of jaw,
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