RNA Detection

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  1. Remove slides from Coplin jar and gently tap on a stack of
    paper towels to remove excess PBS. It is not necessary to
    completely dry slides before proceeding.

  2. With slides on the bench, add 500μL of 3% hydrogen peroxide
    solution to each slide. Incubate for 10 min at room tempera-
    ture (seeNote 10).

  3. Rinse twice with filtered water in Coplin jars. It is best to
    transfer the slides from one Coplin jar to another instead of
    decanting the water.

  4. With a pair of blunt forceps, transfer the slides into the boiling
    antigen retrieval buffer. Incubate for 10 min (seeNote 11).

  5. Transfer the slides directly into a clean Coplin jar with water.
    Gently agitate by moving slides up and down four times.

  6. Repeat this wash by moving slides into a clean Coplin for a total
    of three washes.

  7. Wash slides in 100% ethanol. Gently move slides up and down
    five times. Transfer slides to a stack of paper towels and allow to
    air-dry ~2 min.

  8. Redraw a barrier around the tissues with the hydrophobic pen.
    It is important to ensure that there are no gaps in the barrier.

3.4 Hybridization Hybridization and amplification of the in situ RNA signal is
performed in accordance with ACD suggested protocol with few
modifications. Two critical factors during this process are: (1) main-
taining hybridization temperature at 40C and (2) keeping slides
moist between washes and/or incubation steps (seeNote 12).

  1. Place slides directly onto the serological pipettes within the
    humidified chamber and add 4–6 drops of ACD Protease Plus
    solution onto the sections. Add more drops if necessary to
    cover all sections (seeNote 13).

  2. Cover the chamber with the Tupperware lid and close tightly.
    Incubate at 40C for 30 min (seeNote 3; Fig.3).

  3. Wash slides with water in a Coplin jar. Provide gently agitation
    by moving slides up and down four times. Repeat wash for a
    total of three washes.

  4. Conjugated RNA probe is provided in a dropper bottle from
    ACD. Add a sufficient amount of the probe mixture to cover all
    sections on slides (seeNote 13). Incubate at 40C for 2 h. If
    necessary, this incubation may be extended to up to 6 h (see
    Note 14).

  5. Wash slides with 1PBT buffer in Coplin jars at room temper-
    ature. Agitate by moving slides up and down during the 2 min
    wash. Repeat this wash for a total of three times.

ISH Detection of MicroRNA and Target Gene mRNAs 203
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