Rabbits with Horns Human Papillomavirus The stories about rabbits with horns circulated for centuries. Eventually they crystalli ...
patterns that were similar to sexually transmitted diseases. Nuns, for example, get cervical cancer much less often than other w ...
chemicals, and extreme temperatures. But eventually the top layer of epithelial cells dies off, and the next rising layers of ep ...
For about 199,950 of the past 200,000 years, our species had no idea that we were carrying HPV. That’s not because HPV was a rar ...
The Enemy of Our Enemy Bacteriophages People have known about viruses, or at least their effects, for as long as viruses have be ...
harmless strain of Escherichia coli. He poured E. coli–laden liquid through fine filters, and then mixed the filtered liquid wit ...
the company that’s now known as L’Oreal. People used his phages to treat skin wounds and to cure intestinal infections. But by 1 ...
Skeptics have also argued that even if scientists could design an effective phage therapy, evolution would soon render it useles ...
The Infected Ocean Marine Phages Some great discoveries seem at first like terrible mistakes. In 1986 a graduate student at the ...
And they have been playing a crucial part in the evolution of life for billions of years. They are, in other words, biology’s li ...
permanent part of its host’s genome. As a host cell manufactures new viruses, it sometimes accidentally adds some of its own gen ...
Our Inner Parasites Endogenous Retroviruses The idea that a host’s genes could have come from viruses is almost philosophical in ...
cells, and they passed those instructions down to their descendants. These hidden viruses were not limited to just one oddball b ...
As scientists discovered endogenous retroviruses in other species, they naturally wondered about our own DNA. After all, we suff ...
Proteins like APOBEC 3 disable endogenous retroviruses, but they don’t eliminate them. Over millions of years, our genomes have ...
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