The Young Scourge Human Immunodeficiency Virus Every week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention publish a thin newslet ...
hid continued grow and divide. From time to time, an infected CD4 T cell wakes up and fires a blast of viruses that infect new c ...
looking back at patients who had died mysteriously before the discovery of HIV. In 1988, for example, researchers discovered tha ...
Worobey and his colleagues have started to map the subsequent spread of HIV-1 out from Kinshasa to the rest of the world. The mo ...
of the immune system. In 2008, Philip Goulder, a medical researcher at Oxford, led an international team of scientists who found ...
Becoming an American West Nile Virus In the summer of 1999, Tracey McNamara got worried. McNamara was the chief pathologist at t ...
the New World are strains of HPV found in Asia, just as Native Americans are most closely related to Asians. Columbus’s discover ...
It is striking that the New World has been spared West Nile virus for so long. The flow of people across the Atlantic and Pacifi ...
virus has made a new home here, we’re making that home more comfortable. ...
Predicting the Next Plague Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome and Ebola A hunter emerges from a tropical forest, a shotgun in one ...
When animal viruses first make contact with humans, they only use them as what scientists called “spillover hosts.” Adapted to g ...
humans became spillover hosts as well. The virus then evolved the ability to leap from human to human. SARS was a very young vir ...
The Long Goodbye Smallpox We humans are good at creating new viruses by accident—whether it’s a new flu virus concocted on a pig ...
be called, typically caused just a single pustule to form on the inoculated arm. Once the pustule scabbed over, a variolated per ...
retreated from Europe, the Soviet Union, and North America. It remained a scourge of tropical countries with poor medical system ...
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