Filling the Ark: Animal Welfare in Disasters
90 / Chapter 4 For example, the Washington Times reported, “Floods Ruin Years of Health Research; Texas Medical Center Was Inund ...
Animals in Research Facilities / 91 enough force placed strategically to result in instant death. Alter- natively, they die in s ...
92 / Chapter 4 stowaways in the 1500s. During a breeding craze in the nineteenth century that also gave us most of today’s breed ...
Animals in Research Facilities / 93 rodents or other species, including humans and even jellyfi sh, can be inserted into mice to ...
94 / Chapter 4 of the apparatus of science,” even referred to as “test tubes with tails.”^25 The rodents used in research become ...
Animals in Research Facilities / 95 science.^30 Many scientists acquire a signifi cant stake in continuing to use animals in the ...
96 / Chapter 4 dogs and cats.^34 The article, entitled “Concentration Camps for Lost and Stolen Pets,” exposed the abuse and neg ...
Animals in Research Facilities / 97 R’s into the law in various provisions.^40 What is most signifi cant, the 1985 amendments ma ...
98 / Chapter 4 is, in fact, a manipulation of public opinion about how researchers care for animals.” She continues: If their at ...
Animals in Research Facilities / 99 secretary of agriculture, requesting that the U.S. Department of Agriculture charge LSU with ...
100 / Chapter 4 failures, resulting in actual harm or death to animals.”^48 However, the offi ce waived the requirement followin ...
Animals in Research Facilities / 101 would have us believe. Most of the signifi cant advances in medi- cine have come from studi ...
102 / Chapter 4 agree that killing an animal, say, a dog, simply because I might fi nd it fun to do so is morally wrong. We reco ...
Animals in Research Facilities / 103 that humans do not face the same risks. However, by confi ning ani- mals in labs, we also m ...
104 / Chapter 4 become alternatives to animal research will fi rst be conducted on thousands or even millions of animals.^63 Hei ...
Animals in Research Facilities / 105 The loss of animals in federally funded research facilities rep- resents a tremendous expen ...
106 / Chapter 4 document that existing animal studies had been fully evaluated for validity and clinical generalizability would ...
Conclusion: Noah’s Task T his book opens with two questions: Do animals have a place on the ark? and if so, which animals may co ...
108 / Conclusion that a dog in a research facility stands a far greater chance of res- cue than a mouse does. The mouse would me ...
Noah’s Task / 109 Our dominion over other species ensures that human interests will always trump animal interests. In saying thi ...
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